+++ title = "mail" taxonomies.categories = [ "services" ] +++ - runs on: parsons - purpose: sending mails - maintainer: ? - configuration: [nix file](https://gitlab.infra4future.de/infra/haccfiles/-/blob/main/services/mail.nix) - login: passwords defined in nixfile ## adding a mail account * We use `@hacc.space` for our mails * `@infra4future.de` is reserved for services, old user accounts will be forwarded & logins disabled * choose a name (no aliases or other names can be the same) * generate a sha-512 password hash ```mkpasswd -m sha-512``` - **never add an unhashed password!** * add your accunt to ```loginAccounts =``` in the [nix file](https://gitlab.infra4future.de/infra/haccfiles/-/blob/main/services/mail.nix#L16) * build and redeploy parsons **example:** ``` zwoelfontheshelf@hacc.space" = { hashedPassword = "$6$ISAaU8X6D$oGKe9WXDWrRpGzHUEdxrxdtgvzuGOkBMuDc82IZhegpsv1bqd550FhZZrI40IjZTA5Hy2MZ8j/0efpnQ4fOQH0"; }; ``` ## adding to a forward adress * add the mail address to the coresponding `extraVirtualAliases =` in the [nix file](https://gitlab.infra4future.de/infra/haccfiles/-/blob/main/services/mail.nix#L80) * build and redeploy parsons ## adding a forward adress * add the address to `extraVirtualAliases =` in the [nix file](https://gitlab.infra4future.de/infra/haccfiles/-/blob/main/services/mail.nix#L80) * add the addresses it should forward to * build and redeploy parsons **example:** ``` "himmel@hacc.space" = [ "hexchen@hacc.space" "schweby@hacc.space" "zauberberg@hacc.space" ]; ``` ## sending & reciveing mail ### as a user * Your mail client should auto configure correctly ``` mailserver: mail.hacc.space (everywhere) username: $your_mail_address sending via smtp: port 587 or 465 recieving imap: port 993 TLS and STARTTLS are supported ``` * You can send mail as you and any alias you recieve mail from. Set a second Identity in your e-mail client ### as an application * If your application needs to recieve mail, please talk to a maintainer first. * mailserver: `mail.hacc.space` * Do **not** use port 25. It's for server to server communication only. * Use smtp ports `587` or `465` * enable TLS if possible * only send mail from `noreply@infra4future.de` * Password is in vaultwarden (TODO?)