+++ title = "Authentication" categories = [ "services", "lxc", "ldap" ] +++ Our SSO is currently handled via keycloak, though the user accounts themselves are stored in LDAP; keycloak just fetches them from there. Both LDAP and Keycloak are running in lxc containers containing debian systems rather than on nix directly (though they both run on `parsons`). ## LDAP LDAP stores all user accounts except those that can admininster the keycloak master realm. It should be reachable from within keycloak's container under ``; if it is not, keycloak will return confusingly generic errors to users. ## Keycloak Keycloak provides other services with SSO. An admin password for the master realm should be available in [vaultwarden](pw.hacc.space); use it to log in to the [admin console](https://auth.infra4future.de/auth/admin/master/console/). Inside its lxc container, keycloak lives under `/opt/keycloak` and is not managed by any kind of package manager. Keycloak does not write any logs to systemd; either check the logs in the admin console or take a look at `/opt/keycloak/standalone/log/server.log` within the lxc container. Logs are rotated daily, and apparently we keep all of them, forever. User groups are sometimes fiddly, and currently synced with nextcloud via a script `/opt/ldap-provision-update.sh` that systemd runs regularly. ## Useful commands - login to a container as root with a usable shell `lxc-attach -n keycloak -- /usr/bin/sudo -i` - restarting the keycloak and ldap containers `lxc-stop -n keycloak && lxc-start -n keycloak` - restarting their network bridge: `systemctl restart lxcbr0-netdev.services`