+++ title = "mumble" taxonomies.categories = [ "mumble" ] +++ ## info runs on: parsons purpose: voice communication - [config file](https://gitlab.infra4future.de/infra/haccfiles/-/blob/main/services/murmur.nix) - [offical Docmuentation](https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page) The mumble server is called murmur, but the naming is inconsistent with mumble server. ## registration Users need to be registerd to join any other channel than public. An already registerd user has to register them with the server. 1. right click on the username 2. choose register in the menu. Done. ## resticted channels Every channel in the hacc category exept for plenum can only be accessed by members of the hacc group. ## adding users to a group Only admins can edit groups, and only registered users can be added to groups. 1. right click on the Root channel 2. select Edit... 2. In Groups select $groupname 3. make the change you want to make 4. click "OK" ## configuration details * the server is not registerd with mumble → not on the public server list * the bitrate is set to 128kb/s; otherwise the client would complainy that the server bitrate is less then the configured (default) in its local settings * the mumble server needs special permissions on its SSL Files. The after acme hook ***should*** fix this, but it was never observed to be working (nor not working for that matter, but look here first, if there's any error with the certifcates)