{"version":1,"ops":[{"type":1,"author":{"id":"15c9d6c01e34fec0e7f1559c86cbbdd66d9dc10c"},"timestamp":1643723419,"title":"update workflow: how to not forget dependencies?","message":"[this is more of a discussion issue, I think]\n\nGiven that I've just updated all of our non-nixpkgs dependencies that themselves\nhave versions corresponding to nixpkgs's (i.e. everything but non-nix things and \nhxchn's nixfiles) since we apparently forgot all of them the first time round, I \nthink it might be worth to try and come up with some way of not forgetting that\nduring next version upgrade (can we somehow \"couple\" versions using niv / \nsomething else? Just write a reminder somewhere?)","files":null}]}