# note: this file has been copied out of nixpkgs 22.05, except for # that bit where we add the patch for uffd. There does not seem to # be a better way to do this, since successive overrides to the # python package set revert each other, and this file does such an # override. { lib , pkgs , fetchFromGitHub , nixosTests , python3 , plugins ? ps: [] }: let py = python3.override { packageOverrides = self: super: { django = super.django_4; social-auth-core = super.social-auth-core.overrideAttrs ( old: { patches = [ ./0001-add-uffd-oauth2-backend.patch ]; } ); }; }; extraBuildInputs = plugins py.pkgs; in py.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "netbox"; version = "3.2.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "netbox-community"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-iA0KIgaHQh0OsN/tXmTATIlvnf0aLRdjeQ6VkiR9VJ4="; }; format = "other"; patches = pkgs.netbox.patches; propagatedBuildInputs = with py.pkgs; [ django_4 django-cors-headers django-debug-toolbar django-filter django-graphiql-debug-toolbar django-mptt django-pglocks django-prometheus django-redis django-rq django-tables2 django-taggit django-timezone-field djangorestframework drf-yasg swagger-spec-validator # from drf-yasg[validation] graphene-django jinja2 markdown markdown-include mkdocs-material netaddr pillow psycopg2 pyyaml social-auth-core social-auth-app-django svgwrite tablib jsonschema ] ++ extraBuildInputs; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/opt/netbox cp -r . $out/opt/netbox chmod +x $out/opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py makeWrapper $out/opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py $out/bin/netbox \ --prefix PYTHONPATH : "$PYTHONPATH" ''; passthru = { # PYTHONPATH of all dependencies used by the package pythonPath = python3.pkgs.makePythonPath propagatedBuildInputs; tests = { inherit (nixosTests) netbox; }; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox"; description = "IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool"; license = licenses.asl20; maintainers = with maintainers; [ n0emis raitobezarius ]; }; }