2021-01-02 10:36:20 +00:00

48 lines
1.5 KiB

{ stdenv, fetchurl, unzip }:
# Look for the correct urls for build_front and build_api artifacts on the tags page of the project : https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/pipelines?scope=tags
# Attention : do not use the url "https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/jobs/artifacts/${release}/download?job=" : it is not guaranteed to be stable
release = "1.0.1";
srcs = {
api = fetchurl {
url = https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/jobs/56793/artifacts/download;
name = "api.zip";
sha256 = "0p21r8kbn7sr33chp7404fi9pm4yz6qhfz4z7gxf3vamg9fbsbsc";
frontend = fetchurl {
url = https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/jobs/56790/artifacts/download;
name = "frontend.zip";
sha256 = "0hz4d59sva6zi5q53wj3f6yaw5didcl9z148s6rsy2m6gyr8566d";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "funkwhale";
version = "${release}";
src = srcs.api;
nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ];
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace requirements/base.txt \
--replace "django-cleanup==3.2.0" django-cleanup
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
cp -R ./* $out
unzip ${srcs.frontend} -d $out
mv $out/front/ $out/front_tmp
mv $out/front_tmp/dist $out/front
rmdir $out/front_tmp
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A modern, convivial and free music server";
homepage = https://funkwhale.audio/;
license = licenses.agpl3;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ mmai ];