stuebinm c09337c973 shoehorn nix-hexchen-style config into flakes
this replaces niv with nix flakes, attempting to preserve the old
structure as much as possible. Notable caveats:
 - I'm not sure if flake inputs expose version information anywhere, so
   the version in pkgs/mattermost/default.nix is now hardcoded.
   Confusingly, this appears to trigger a rebuild. Maybe I've missed something.
 - a lot of the old-style host.nix & deploy.nix machinery in nix-hexchen
   does not work with flakes, and their newer replacements are not exposed
   by upstream; I've put basic imitations of the relevant parts in this repo
 - (in particular, directories in hosts/ won't become deployable configs
 - parts of the code are now probably more complicated than they'd have to be
 - old variables names were preserved; confusingly, this means the flake
   inputs are still called "sources"
2022-11-13 22:45:50 +01:00

83 lines
2.8 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, evalConfig, sources, ... }:
uffd = pkgs.uffd;
in {
containers.uffd = {
privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
autoStart = true;
bindMounts = {
"/persist" = {
hostPath = "/persist/containers/uffd";
isReadOnly = false;
path = (evalConfig {hosts = {}; groups = {};} ({ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, sources, ... }: {
boot.isContainer = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
system.stateVersion = "21.05";
imports = [ sources.nix-hexchen.nixosModules.profiles.nopersist ];
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
networking.firewall.enable = false;
networking.defaultGateway = {
address = "";
interface = "eth0";
services.coredns = {
enable = true;
config = ''
.:53 {
forward .
services.uwsgi = {
enable = true;
plugins = [ "python3" ];
instance = {
type = "normal";
pythonPackages = self: with self; [ uffd ];
module = "uffd:create_app()";
# socket = "${config.services.uwsgi.runDir}/uwsgi.sock";
http = ":8080";
env = [
hook-pre-app = "exec:FLASK_APP=${uffd}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/uffd flask db upgrade";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."login.infra4future.de" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations = {
"/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.uffd.localAddress}:8080";
"/static".root = "${uffd}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/uffd";
"/static/hacc.png".return = "302 https://infra4future.de/assets/img/logo_vernetzung.png";
"/static/infra4future.svg".return = "302 https://infra4future.de/assets/img/infra4future.svg";
"/static/hedgedoc.svg".return = "302 https://infra4future.de/assets/img/icons/hedgedoc.svg";
"/static/mattermost.svg".return = "302 https://infra4future.de/assets/img/icons/mattermost.svg";
"/static/nextcloud.svg".return = "302 https://infra4future.de/assets/img/icons/nextcloud.svg";
"/static/hot_shit.svg".return = "302 https://infra4future.de/assets/img/icons/hot_shit.svg";
systemd.services.auamost = {
enable = true;
description = "mattermost aua gruppensync";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "simple";
path = [ pkgs.curl pkgs.jq ];
script = "${pkgs.fish}/bin/fish /persist/magic/mattermost-groupsync.fish";
startAt = "*:0/15";