stuebinm d933a6ef98 s4f-conference: another mattermost
this one's not connected to our SSO and intended for short-term use
only, after which it will be deleted again.

I've gone through at least some of mattermost's options to see how many
of these are actually relevant anymore. Some can be left out.

Unlike the other mattermost it also doesn't use any mysql.
2024-05-08 14:32:52 +02:00

134 lines
4.3 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
sops.secrets = {
"s4f-conference/env" = {};
hacc.containers.s4f-conference = {
bindSecrets = true;
config = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
systemd.services.mattermost.serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile =
lib.mkForce "/secrets/env";
services.mattermost = {
enable = true;
siteUrl = "https://s4f-conference.infra4future.de";
siteName = "Scientists for Future Chat";
listenAddress = "";
mutableConfig = false;
statePath = "/persist/mattermost";
extraConfig = {
ServiceSettings = {
TrustedProxyIPHeader = [ "X-Forwarded-For" "X-Real-Ip" ];
EnableEmailInvitations = true;
TeamSettings = {
EnableUserCreation = true;
EnableUserDeactivation = true;
EnableOpenServer = false;
PasswordSettings = {
MinimumLength = 10;
FileSettings = {
EnableFileAttachments = true;
MaxFileSize = 52428800;
DriverName = "local";
Directory = "/persist/upload-storage";
EnablePublicLink = true;
PublicLinkSalt = "3k7p3yxdhz6798b3b9openfr9rn3ymwu";
EmailSettings = {
EnableSignUpWithEmail = true;
EnableSignInWithEmail = true;
EnableSignInWithUsername = true;
SendEmailNotifications = true;
FeedbackName = "mattermost";
FeedbackEmail = "mattermost@infra4future.de";
ReplyToAddress = "mattermost@infra4future.de";
FeedbackOrganization = "infra4future.de";
EnableSMTPAuth = true;
SMTPUsername = "noreply@infra4future.de";
SMTPServer = "mail.hacc.space";
SMTPPort = "465";
SMTPServerTimeout = 10;
ConnectionSecurity = "TLS";
RateLimitSettings.Enable = false;
PrivacySettings = {
ShowEmailAddress = false;
ShowFullName = true;
# to disable the extra landing page advertising the app
NativeAppSettings = {
AppDownloadLink = "";
AndroidAppDownloadLink = "";
IosAppDownloadLink = "";
LogSettings = {
EnableConsole = true;
ConsoleLevel = "ERROR";
EnableDiagnostics = false;
EnableWebhookDebugging = false;
SupportSettings = {
TermsOfServiceLink = "https://infra4future.de/nutzungsbedingungen.html";
PrivacyPolicyLink = "https://infra4future.de/nutzungsbedingungen.html";
AboutLink = "https://infra4future.de";
SupportEmail = "info@infra4future.de";
CustomTermsOfServiceEnabled = false;
EnableAskCommunityLink = true;
AnnouncementSettings.EnableBanner = false;
ComplianceSettings.Enable = false;
ClusterSettings.Enable = false;
MetricsSettings.Enable = false;
GuestAccountsSettings.Enable = true;
localDatabaseCreate = false;
services.postgresql = {
enable = lib.mkForce true; # mattermost sets this to false. wtf.
package = pkgs.postgresql_15;
ensureDatabases = [ "mattermost" ];
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "mattermost";
ensureDBOwnership = true;
} ];
authentication = lib.mkForce ''
# Generated file; do not edit!
local all all trust
host mattermost mattermost ::1/128 trust
services.postgresqlBackup = {
enable = true;
databases = [ "mattermost" ];
startAt = "*-*-* 23:45:00";
location = "/persist/backups/postgres";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."s4f-conference.infra4future.de" = {
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.s4f-conference.localAddress}:3000";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig = ''
# Mattermost CSR Patch
proxy_hide_header Content-Security-Policy;
proxy_hide_header X-Frame-Options;
proxy_redirect off;
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;