moira 55ffc7282e
services/lantifa: pin WikiDB version
resolves the issue with the nixfiles being unable to be built, because
of a hash mismatch. The previous URL always pointed to the newest
version instead of a static one.
Sadly static links only exist for previous, but not the current version.
2022-10-09 10:06:30 +02:00

115 lines
4 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, evalConfig, ... }:
containers.lantifa = {
autoStart = true;
privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
bindMounts = {
"/persist" = {
hostPath = "/persist/containers/lantifa";
isReadOnly = false;
path = (evalConfig {hosts = {}; groups = {};} ({ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, sources, ... }: {
boot.isContainer = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
hexchen.bindmounts."/var/lib/mediawiki" = "/persist/var/lib/mediawiki";
imports = [
((import sources.nix-hexchen) {}).profiles.nopersist
networking.hosts."" = [ "wiki.lantifa.org" ];
users.users.mediawiki.extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
networking.firewall.enable = false;
networking.defaultGateway = {
address = "";
interface = "eth0";
services.mediawiki = {
enable = true;
name = "LANtifa";
database.createLocally = true;
passwordFile = "/var/lib/mediawiki/mediawiki-password";
extraConfig = let
wikidb = pkgs.fetchzip {
url = "https://www.kennel17.co.uk/uploads/testwiki/archive/e/e9/20220802220244%21WikiDB.zip";
sha256 = "sha256-8pMNQwmGEsbIoSV1s4RL5Xqq4+f+GNOaCB8VlVnbweY=";
in ''
// Configure short URLs
$wgScriptPath = "";
$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";
$wgUsePathInfo = true;
$wgExtraNamespaces = array( 100 => "Table", 101 => "Table_Talk",);
$wgWikiDBNamespaces = 100;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['writeapi'] = true;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'] = 1;
$wgLogo = "images/c/c5/LantifaLogoFem0.3.png";
// PageForms config
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['viewedittab'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['viewedittab'] = true;
// Moderation setting
$wgModerationNotificationEnable = true;
$wgModerationEmail = "wiki_mod@lantifa.org";
$wgLogRestrictions["newusers"] = 'moderation';
// intersection / DynamicPageList config
$wgDLPMaxCacheTime = 5 * 60;
extensions = {
TemplateData = null;
VisualEditor = null;
InputBox = null;
Moderation = pkgs.fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/edwardspec/mediawiki-moderation/archive/v1.4.20.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1k0z44jfqsxzwy6jjz3yfibiq8wi845d5iwwh8j3yijn2854fj0i";
intersection = pkgs.fetchzip { # This is the DynamicPageList extension
url = "https://extdist.wmflabs.org/dist/extensions/intersection-REL1_36-82eb087.tar.gz";
sha256 = "sha256-TD58DvJ4CFASP4rIc94jeB4SN4zktLe33xZtz/Qg2dk=";
PageForms = pkgs.fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-PageForms/archive/5.0.1.zip";
sha256 = "172m7p941fbkl29h5bhanx3dn42jfmzgyvgmgm2lgdbmkawwly96";
virtualHost = {
hostName = "wiki.lantifa.org";
listen = [ { port = 80; } ];
adminAddr = "admin@hacc.space";
extraConfig = ''
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^/*$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/index.php [L]
services.mysql.dataDir = "/persist/mysql";
services.mysqlBackup = {
enable = true;
databases = [ "mediawiki" ];
calendar = "*-*-* 23:45:00";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."wiki.lantifa.org" = {
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://" + config.containers.lantifa.localAddress + "";
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;