stuebinm f654b33a56 modules/containers: a hacc-specific containers module
this started with emily pointing out to me that it's possible to
generate IP addresses for containers in Nix (hence no need to worry
about ever having collisions, as we had before), but then I thought,
hey, while I'm at it, I can also write a little container module so we
have a little less repetition in our configs in general (and a more
reasonable place for our custom evalConfig than just keeping it around
in flake.nix).

See the option descriptions in modules/containers.nix for further

Apart from giving all containers a new IP address (and also shiny new
IPv6 addresses), this should be a no-op for the actual built system.
2024-04-19 19:15:22 +02:00

226 lines
7.9 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, ...}:
sops.secrets = {
"mattermost/env" = {};
hacc.containers.mattermost = {
bindSecrets = true;
config = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
systemd.services.mattermost.serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile =
lib.mkForce "/secrets/env";
services.mattermost = {
enable = true;
siteUrl = "https://mattermost.infra4future.de";
siteName = "Mattermost for Future";
listenAddress = "";
mutableConfig = false;
statePath = "/persist/mattermost";
extraConfig = {
ServiceSettings = {
TrustedProxyIPHeader = [ "X-Forwarded-For" "X-Real-Ip" ];
ReadTimeout = 300;
WriteTimeout = 600;
IdleTimeout = 60;
MaximumLoginAttempts = 10;
AllowCorsFrom = "*.infra4future.de/*";
WebserverMode = "gzip";
EnableCustomEmoji = true;
EnableEmojiPicker = true;
EnableGifPicker = false;
RestrictCustomEmojiCreation = "all";
RestrictPostDelete = "all";
AllowEditPost = "always";
PostEditTimeout = -1;
EnableTutorial = false;
ExperimentalChannelSidebarOrganization = "default_on";
ExperimentalChannelOrganization = true;
ExperimentalDataPrefetch = true;
EnableEmailInvitations = true;
DisableLegacyMFA = true;
EnableSVGs = true;
EnableLaTeX = true;
ThreadAutoFollow = true;
EnableSecurityFixAlert = false;
CollapsedThreads = "default_on";
TeamSettings = {
EnableTeamCreation = true;
EnableUserCreation = true;
MaxUsersPerTeam = 250;
EnableOpenServer = false;
EnableUserDeactivation = true;
ExperimentalViewArchivedChannels = true;
ExperimentalEnableAutomaticReplies = true;
LogSettings = {
EnableConsole = true;
# note: for some reason this doesn't work (mattermost still sets it to DEBUG);
# it's also set in secrets.env, where for some reason it does
ConsoleLevel = "ERROR";
EnableDiagnostics = false;
EnableWebhookDebugging = false;
NotificationLogSettings = {
EnableConsole = true;
ConsoleLevel = "INFO";
PasswordSettings = {
MinimumLength = 10;
# turn of all the bullshit requirements
Lowercase = false;
Number = false;
Uppercase = false;
Symbol = false;
FileSettings = {
EnableFileAttachments = true;
MaxFileSize = 52428800;
DriverName = "local";
Directory = "/persist/mattermost/upload-storage";
EnablePublicLink = true;
PublicLinkSalt = "3k7p3yxdhz6798b3b9openfr9rn3ymwu";
EmailSettings = {
EnableSignUpWithEmail = false;
EnableSignInWithEmail = false;
EnableSignInWithUsername = false;
SendEmailNotifications = true;
FeedbackName = "mattermost";
FeedbackEmail = "mattermost@infra4future.de";
ReplyToAddress = "mattermost@infra4future.de";
FeedbackOrganization = "infra4future.de";
EnableSMTPAuth = true;
SMTPUsername = "noreply@infra4future.de";
SMTPServer = "mail.hacc.space";
SMTPPort = "465";
SMTPServerTimeout = 10;
ConnectionSecurity = "TLS";
RateLimitSettings.Enable = false;
PrivacySettings = {
ShowEmailAddress = false;
ShowFullName = true;
# to disable the extra landing page advertising the app
NativeAppSettings = {
AppDownloadLink = "";
AndroidAppDownloadLink = "";
IosAppDownloadLink = "";
SupportSettings = {
TermsOfServiceLink = "https://infra4future.de/nutzungsbedingungen.html";
PrivacyPolicyLink = "https://infra4future.de/nutzungsbedingungen.html";
AboutLink = "https://infra4future.de";
SupportEmail = "info@infra4future.de";
CustomTermsOfServiceEnabled = false;
EnableAskCommunityLink = true;
AnnouncementSettings.EnableBanner = false;
GitLabSettings = {
Enable = true;
Id = "mattermost";
Scope = "";
AuthEndpoint = "https://login.infra4future.de/oauth2/authorize";
TokenEndpoint = "https://login.infra4future.de/oauth2/token";
UserApiEndpoint = "https://login.infra4future.de/oauth2/userinfo";
# for some reason, these don't appear to be working; the startup
# process complaines and sets these back to en
LocalizationSettings = {
DefaultServerLocale = "de";
DefaultClientLocale = "de";
AvailableLocales = "de,en";
MessageExportSettings.EnableExport = false;
# plugins appear to have trouble with the read-only filesystem; it may
# be necessary to manually change their paths etc.
PluginSettings = {
Enable = true;
EnableUploads = true;
Plugins = {
bigbluebutton = {
adminonly = false;
base_url = "https://bbb.infra4future.de/bigbluebutton/api";
salt = "zKCsNeaEniC115ynHOsZopgA4iTiJjzgeiPNoCEc";
"com.github.matterpoll.matterpoll" = {
experimentalui = true;
trigger = "poll";
PluginStates = {
bigbluebutton.Enable = true;
"com.github.matterpoll.matterpoll".Enable = true;
ComplianceSettings.Enable = false;
ClusterSettings.Enable = false;
MetricsSettings.Enable = false;
GuestAccountsSettings.Enable = false;
FeatureFlags.CollapsedThreads = true;
# turn of the weirder parts of this module (which insist on passwords
# in nix files, instead of just using socket-based authentication)
# It will still attempt to use its default password, but postgres will
# just let it in regardless of that.
localDatabaseCreate = false;
services.mysql = {
enable = true;
ensureDatabases = [ "mattermost" ];
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "mattermost";
ensurePermissions = { "mattermost.*" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; };
} ];
package = pkgs.mysql80;
dataDir = "/persist/mysql";
services.postgresql = {
enable = lib.mkForce true; # mattermost sets this to false. wtf.
package = pkgs.postgresql_15;
ensureDatabases = [ "mattermost" ];
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "mattermost";
ensureDBOwnership = true;
} ];
authentication = lib.mkForce ''
# Generated file; do not edit!
local all all trust
host mattermost mattermost ::1/128 trust
services.postgresqlBackup = {
enable = true;
databases = [ "mattermost" ];
startAt = "*-*-* 23:45:00";
location = "/persist/backups/postgres";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."mattermost.infra4future.de" = {
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.mattermost.localAddress}:3000";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig = ''
# Mattermost CSR Patch
proxy_hide_header Content-Security-Policy;
proxy_hide_header X-Frame-Options;
proxy_redirect off;
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;