stuebinm f654b33a56 modules/containers: a hacc-specific containers module
this started with emily pointing out to me that it's possible to
generate IP addresses for containers in Nix (hence no need to worry
about ever having collisions, as we had before), but then I thought,
hey, while I'm at it, I can also write a little container module so we
have a little less repetition in our configs in general (and a more
reasonable place for our custom evalConfig than just keeping it around
in flake.nix).

See the option descriptions in modules/containers.nix for further

Apart from giving all containers a new IP address (and also shiny new
IPv6 addresses), this should be a no-op for the actual built system.
2024-04-19 19:15:22 +02:00

146 lines
4.1 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
tracktrain-config = ''
dbstring: "dbname=tracktrain"
gtfs: /persist/gtfs.zip
assets: ${pkgs.tracktrain}/assets
port: 4000
enable: true
url: https://login.infra4future.de
clientname: tracktrain
# clientsecret defined in env file
sops.secrets = {
"tracktrain/env" = {};
services.nginx.virtualHosts."tracktrain.ilztalbahn.eu" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.tracktrain.localAddress}:4000";
proxyWebsockets = true;
# note: this shadows the /metrics endpoint of tracktrain
# in case you remove this, please consider putting something
# else here to keep it from being publicly scrapable
locations."/metrics/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.tracktrain.localAddress}:2342";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig = ''
rewrite ^/metrics/(.*) /$1 break;
hacc.containers.tracktrain = {
bindSecrets = true;
config = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
system.stateVersion = "21.11";
users.users.tracktrain = {
group = "tracktrain";
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups.tracktrain = {};
systemd.services.tracktrain = {
enable = true;
description = "tracks trains, hopefully";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
requires = [ "network.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
EnvironmentFile = "/secrets/env";
User = "tracktrain";
Group = "tracktrain";
path = [ pkgs.wget ];
script = ''
mkdir -p /persist/tracktrain
cd /persist/tracktrain
ln -sf ${pkgs.writeText "tracktrain-config.yaml" tracktrain-config} config.yaml
wget "https://ilztalbahn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/gtfs.zip" || sleep 4; wget "https://ilztalbahn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/gtfs.zip"
${pkgs.tracktrain}/bin/tracktrain +RTS -T
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.postgresql_15;
ensureDatabases = [ "tracktrain" ];
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "tracktrain";
ensureDBOwnership = true;
} ];
authentication = ''
local all all trust
host all all trust
services.prometheus = {
enable = true;
port = 9001;
scrapeConfigs = [ {
job_name = "tracktrain";
static_configs = [{
targets = [ "" ];
} ];
services.grafana = {
enable = true;
settings.server = {
serve_from_sub_path = true;
domain = "tracktrain.ilztalbahn.eu";
root_url = "https://%(domain)s/metrics/";
http_port = 2342;
http_addr = "";
settings."auth.generic_oauth" = {
name = "uffd";
enabled = true;
allow_sign_up = true;
empty_scopes = true;
client_id = "ilztalbahn-grafana";
client_secret = "\${GRAFANA_CLIENT_SECRET}";
auth_url = "https://login.infra4future.de/oauth2/authorize";
token_url = "https://login.infra4future.de/oauth2/token";
api_url = "https://login.infra4future.de/oauth2/userinfo";
# disables the default login screen. comment out if for some
# reason you do need it
settings.auth.oauth_auto_login = true;
settings.users.auto_assign_org_role = "Admin";
provision = {
enable = true;
datasources.settings.datasources = [ {
url = "http://localhost:9001";
type = "prometheus";
name = "prometheus";
} ];
systemd.services.grafana.serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile =
hacc.bindToPersist = [ "/var/lib/grafana" ];