<divclass="logo"><ahref="https://hacc.earth"><imgsrc="assets/logo_header_shadow.svg"alt="hacc. hackers against climate change."/></a></div>
<h1>Welcome to<br>hackers against climate change e.V.<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
Inspired by the activities in Siegen, the Munich chapter of <ahref="https://hacc.earth">hacc</a> started their bi-weekly meetings in May 2019. With the approval to use the name by the initiator of the first sessions on May 13th 2020 we eventually founded the German non-profit organization "<ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hackers against climate change e.V.</a>" on December 9th 2020. Two members of us were part of the first hacc sessions at 35c3. Since then we were active at all major <ahref="https://events.ccc.de">Chaos</a> events at the CCCamp 2019, 36c3, rC3 and divoc r2r.<br>
Of course we also did and do support multiple events and groups in Munich and Germany.
<ahref="https://webirc.hackint.org/#ircs://irc.hackint.org/#hacc-muc">#hacc-muc</a> on hackint.org or as matrix bridge <ahref="https://matrix.to/#/#hacc-muc:hackint.org">#hacc-muc:hackint.org</a>, chat of the local chapter Munich in German
<ahref="https://webirc.hackint.org/#ircs://irc.hackint.org/#hacc-voc">#hacc-voc</a> on hackint.org or as matrix bridge <ahref="https://matrix.to/#/#hacc-voc:hackint.org">#hacc-voc:hackint.org</a>
<li>Regular meetings of the <ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hacc e.V.</a>, usually every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:30 p.m. at <ahref="https://muc.ccc.de/">muCCC</a>. You can also join remotely via <ahref="https://mumble.hacc.space/">mumble.hacc.space</a>.</li>
<li>Regular maintenance of the <ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hacc e.V.</a> infrastructure, usually the Wednesday after the regular meeting sometime in the evening. Normally coordinated on <ahref="https://mumble.hacc.space/">mumble.hacc.space</a>.</li>
<li>Help us running the hacc e.V. infrastructure like <ahref="https://infra4future.de">infra4future.de</a>. You can open an issue or create a merge request <ahref="https://git.infra4future.de/hacc/haccfiles">on the nixfiles</a> which control a growing part of our infrastructure. Or just ask us via one of hacc e.V. channels above.
<li><ahref="https://vedge-kongress.de/">v-edge Congress 2020</a> in Munich</li>
<li>Filmed and live streamed several stage discussions and press conferences of other * for future groups (see <ahref="https://hacc.media/search?tagsOneOf=fff">hacc.media</a>)</li>
<li>Livestreams from demonstrations for climate justice</a></li>
<li>Our own <ahref="https://hacc.media/videos/watch/playlist/e90713e1-44a7-4f8e-9d1d-dd6551587d2f?playlistPosition=1">stage</a> at the Remote Chaos Experience (rc3) 2020</li>
<li>Streaming infrastructure for the second and third editions of the <ahref="https://studentsforfuture.info/public-climate-school/">Public Climate School</a> by Students for Future</li>
<h1>We in the press<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
Le Monde decided to give us, our posters, and Mate, a <ahref="https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2019/12/30/a-leipzig-hackers-et-militants-pour-le-climat-font-front-commun_6024362_4408996.html">shoutout</a> in their article about the <ahref="https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/index.php/Main_Page">36c3</a>!
<ahref="https://www.cipra.org/de/cipra/deutschland/projekte/aktuelle-projekte/knotenpunkt-alpen/netzwerkkonferenz">Article</a> by CIPRA on their networking conference, the online platform <ahref="https://knotenpunkt-alpen.de/">Knotenpunkt Alpen</a> and our involvement.
The source of the page can be found <ahref="https://git.infra4future.de/hacc/haccfiles/src/branch/main/websites/muc.hacc.earth">here</a>. As with the hacc e.V. infrastructure in general you are invited to make change requests or just <ahref="#contact">contact</a> us to ask for changes.