<divclass="logo"><imgsrc="assets/logo_header_shadow.svg"alt="hacc. hackers against climate change."/></div>
<h1>Welcome to hacc<spanclass="blink">_</span></h1>
“Hackers Against Climate Change" originated as a series of <ahref="https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session%3AHackers_Against_Climate_Change">self-organized sessions at 35c3</a>. Working groups, spin offs and local chapters formed afterwards and were present at all major CCC events. Join the groups or start your own!</p>
<p>More info <ahref="#aboutpage">about this page</a> at the bottom.
<h1>Get in contact<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
<ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hacc e.V.</a>, local chapter Munich<sup><ahref="#history">*</a></sup>
<del><ahref="https://webirc.hackint.org/#ircs://irc.hackint.org/#hacc-muc">#hacc-muc</a> on hackint.org or as matrix bridge <ahref="https://matrix.to/#/#hacc-muc:hackint.org">#hacc-muc:hackint.org</a>
<li><ahref="https://vedge-kongress.de/">v-edge Congress 2020</a> in Munich</li>
<li>Filmed and live streamed several stage discussions and press conferences of other * for future groups (see <ahref="https://hacc.media/search?tagsOneOf=fff">hacc.media</a>)</li>
<li>Livestreams from demonstrations for climate justice</a></li>
<li>Our own <ahref="https://hacc.media/videos/watch/playlist/e90713e1-44a7-4f8e-9d1d-dd6551587d2f?playlistPosition=1">stage</a> at the Remote Chaos Experience (rc3) 2020</li>
<li>Streaming infrastructure for the second and third editions of the <ahref="https://studentsforfuture.info/public-climate-school/">Public Climate School</a> by Students for Future</li>
<li><ahref="https://mumble.hacc.space">mumble.hacc.space</a>: a voice-chat allowing groups to stay in contact while we can’t physically meet</li>
<li>if you need any, look around on the website linked above, write us, or just <ahref="https://cloud.infra4future.de/">create an account</a>!</li>
<h1>Ways to Participate<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
<!--<li>Regular open international call usually every 10th and 25th of a month at 18:00 UTC via <a href="https://meet.ffmuc.net/hacc.int">Jitsi</a> organized by the hacc e.V..</li>-->
<li>Regular meetings of the <ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hacc e.V.</a>, usually every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in <ahref="https://muc.ccc.de/">muCCC</a>.
It is also possible to join remotely via mumble at <ahref="https://mumble.hacc.space/">mumble.hacc.space</a>. But check our IRC in case of any short-term changes.</li>
Propose changes to the hacc e.V. infrastructure. You can open an issue or open a merge request <ahref="https://git.infra4future.de/hacc/haccfiles">on the nixfiles</a> which control a growing part of our infrastructure. Or just ask us via one of hacc e.V. channels above.
Add you or your project to the <ahref="https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=hacc-directory#---_PROJECTS">hacc directory</a>
Use the <ahref="https://hacc.wiki">wiki</a> and add your project!
<h1>Local chapters<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
<li><ahref="https://totalism.org/hacc">CHT hackbase</a> on the Canary Islands, Spain<sup><ahref="#history">*</a></sup></li>
<li><ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hackers against climate change e.V.</a>, Munich, Germany<sup><ahref="#history">*</a></sup></li>
<li><ahref="https://hacc.uber.space/HACC/Europe/DE/NRW/Siegen">Klimanotstandbündnis in Siegen</a>, Germany</li>
<h1>Spin offs & working groups<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
There are different spin-offs of the movement originating from the <ahref="https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session:Hackers_Against_Climate_Change">original hacc sessions</a> and events like the <ahref="https://events.ccc.de/camp/2019/wiki/Main_Page">CCCamp2019</a> or working groups associated to hacc.
<li><ahref="https://hacc.uber.space/c3sus">c3sus</a>, making Chaos events more sustainable</li>
<li><ahref="https://altpwr.net/">Eventgrid</a>, developing a green power network for Camps</li>
<li><ahref="https://infra4future.de">infra4future</a>, offering infrastructure and communcation platforms</li>
<li><ahref="https://hacc.media/">hacc-voc</a>, doing streams and recordings</li>
<li><ahref="https://hacc.uber.space/GreenFediverse">GreenFeediverse</a>, providing a list about servers and their renewable energy consumption status</li>
Further project ideas can be found or added in the <ahref="https://hacc.wiki">wiki</a> and the <ahref="https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=hacc-directory#---_PROJECTS">hacc directory</a>.
<h1>Similar groups<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
<li><ahref="https://bits-und-baeume.org/regionalzweige/de">Bits & Bäume</a>, with multiple local chapters</li>
<li><ahref="https://developersforfuture.org">Developers for Future</a></li>
<h1>We in the press<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
<li>Short interview with c3sus and hacc activists in the <ahref="https://denkangebot.org">Denkangebot Podacst</a> episode <ahref="https://www.denkangebot.org/allgemein/da008-urlaub-auf-dem-hackercamp/">"Urlaub auf dem Hackercamp"</a>, unfortunately in German only</li>
Le Monde decided to give us, our posters, and Mate, a <ahref="https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2019/12/30/a-leipzig-hackers-et-militants-pour-le-climat-font-front-commun_6024362_4408996.html">shoutout</a> in their article about the <ahref="https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/index.php/Main_Page">36c3</a>!
<h1>History of hacc<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
“Hackers Against Climate Change" originated as a series of <ahref="https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session%3AHackers_Against_Climate_Change">self-organized sessions at 35c3</a>. In the aftermath members of those sessions started spin offs as mentioned above and local chapters in Siegen, Munich and on the Canary Islands.
The local chapter in Siegen initiated the first hacc sessions at 35c3 and afterwards was mainly involved in local activities.
The local chapter CHT hackbase cohosted the 35c3 sessions, hosted the session at 36c3 and cohosted the divoc r2r sessions.
Inspired by the activities in Siegen, the Munich chapter started their bi-weekly meetings in May 2019. With the approval to use the name by the initiator of the first sessions on May 13th 2020 we eventually founded the German non-profit organization "<ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">hackers against climate change e.V.</a>" on December 9th 2020. Two members of us were part of the 35c3 sessions. Since then we were active at the CCCamp 2019, 36c3, rC3 and divoc r2r.<br>
Unfortunately conflicts led to a split between the local chapter Munich and CHT hackbase in July 2021.
<h1>About this page<spanclass="blink"></span></h1>
The hacc e.V. runs this page (<ahref="https://hacc.earth">hacc.earth</a>) but not necessarily the linked projects. You can find more about our activities and involvements on our <ahref="https://muc.hacc.earth">own page</a>.<br>
Also the source of the page can be found <ahref="https://git.infra4future.de/hacc/haccfiles/src/branch/main/websites/hacc.earth">here</a>. As with the hacc e.V. infrastructure in general you are invited to make change requests or just <ahref="#contac">contact</a> us to ask for changes.