this removes the old (unused) config for an angel system used during the
fridays for future camp 2020. Since it was configured "by hand" and not
in a declarative manner, and since there is now an actual module
`services.engelsystem` that we already use for the divoc it seems unlikely
that we will ever need the old config again.
From Nix's point of view, this commit is equivalent to doing nothing.
Seems to work fine, except for the domain — the engelsystem tries
to load its ressources from the IP of the container instead of its
url set in the config.
I am no longer comfortable with putting resources into this project and
therefore request to be removed from all infrastructure. I am still
happy to help out with software I set up, but I will no longer actively
maintain any services. As far as possible, I will remove myself from all
access groups or other privileged positions related to this project.
Essentially, I'm stepping down as a maintainer. I still reserve the
right to make changes via the established change processes (Merge
Requests as well as Issues in the meta-repositories), but I will no
longer make direct changes to infrastructure without going through those
review processes.