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11 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
matrix-synapse: bump to nixos 21.05, new structure
This patches an import path for our new structure, and adjusts the build
inputs for our hacked version of matrix-synapse with a newer version of
twisted (for tls 1.3 support), which is apparently still necessary even
in nixos 21.05.

Seems to build fine (have not waited for all tests in the matrix packag;
these take ages)
2021-08-26 22:55:47 +02:00
matrix-synapse: update twisted (mail library)
This overrides the python38Packages.twisted derivation to a more recent
version that /hopefully/ doesn't force old tls versions. This includes
using and override on the actual twisted package, and another on the
matrix-synapse packages, which now has parts of its definition repeated
in the overlay since overlays apparently don't propagate into
dependencies of packages (since packages are essentiall functions which
have already been called).

On the one hand, this may break things in case the definition of
matrix-synapse changes too much upstream. On the other hand, it doesn't
seem like anyone update the python packages too often, so probably that
won't happen for a long while.

Additionally, prohibitively long to build, since synapse insists on
running a complete test suite while building itself, and there doesn't
appear to be an obvious version to turn this off. If this situation
continues (also with some of the other packages) I guess at some point
we should just set up hainich as a substitution server for Nix ...
2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
synapse: deduplicate public_baseurl 2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
synapse: cleaned up config 2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
synapse: delete unnessary parts of the default config
(i.e. those parts which are managable by nix, and a couple which were defined
twice were deduplicated)
2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
hainich/matrix: set some setting, miss others 2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
synapse: add mail config (currently broken)
tl;dr: mail config works, but on trying to send mail synapse gets rejected by
postfix for using a too-old version of tls, as apparently tls in twisted (the
python library used for mail in synapse) is just hardcoded to v1, which our
postfix rejects.

postfix/smtpd[9737]: warning: TLS library problem: error:14209102:SSL routines:tls_early_post_process_client_hello:unsupported protocol:ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:1685:
synapse[9211]: synapse.handlers.identity: [POST-41] Error sending threepid validation email to
               Traceback (most recent call last):
                 File "/nix/store/55mh6w2ark2blrbkyq0d1jjg9alb1dw5-matrix-synapse-1.29.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages/synapse/handlers/", line 382, in send_threepid_validation
                   await send_email_func(email_address, token, client_secret, session_id)
                 File "/nix/store/55mh6w2ark2blrbkyq0d1jjg9alb1dw5-matrix-synapse-1.29.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages/synapse/push/", line 207, in send_add_threepid_mail
                   await self.send_email(
                 File "/nix/store/55mh6w2ark2blrbkyq0d1jjg9alb1dw5-matrix-synapse-1.29.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages/synapse/push/", line 349, in send_email
                   await make_deferred_yieldable(
               twisted.mail._except.SMTPConnectError: Unable to connect to server.

This is a known issue [1], which should be fixed in the current version of twisted,
which will be in the next version of synapse.

2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
element: move from to 2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
synapse/element: nicer code layout for the config 2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
Synapse/Element: Fixed the config.
In brief: the example was missing a protocol specification.

Also I just learnt that the element at uses deprecated
config options. Fun!
2021-08-26 22:51:01 +02:00
hainich/matrix: init matrix & element 2021-08-26 22:50:58 +02:00
240 changed files with 858 additions and 40472 deletions

View file

@ -7,3 +7,10 @@ build-parsons:
stage: build
- nix-build -A deploy.parsons
- nix
stage: build
- nix-build -A deploy.nixda

View file

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ welcome to hacc nixfiles (haccfiles). this is the code describing our nix-based
- `modules/`: home-grown modules for hacc-specific services
- `nix/`: sources files, managed with niv
- `pkgs/`: packages we built and don't want to upstream
- `hosts/`: configuration.nix per host
- `services/`: all services we run; imported in appropriate host config
## working with the haccfiles
@ -22,19 +20,6 @@ nix build -f . deploy.$hostname && ./result switch
`$hostname` can be replaced with any hostname or group
## I don't want to build this long dependency / want a cached version!
If it's still available on parsons from a previous deploy, do:
nix copy --from ssh://parsons /nix/store/...
Note: don't just copy the .drv file (which Nix complains about if it can't
build something), that's just the description of how to build it! If you
don't know the actual outpath, look in the .drv file (should start with
`Derive([("out","[the path you want]"...`)
## committing to haccfiles
- exceptions apply, if you are not sure where to commit, don't commit to main

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ in {
security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = lib.mkDefault false;
i18n.defaultLocale = "en_IE.UTF-8";
time.timeZone = "UTC";
console = {
font = "Lat2-Terminus16";
keyMap = "de";
@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ in {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
smartmontools lm_sensors htop tcpdump nload iftop
ripgrep vgrep
# bottom
git wget
rsync pv progress
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ in {
vim neovim
@ -69,8 +70,6 @@ in {
s-tui stress
]; = "";

View file

@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
packages = with pkgs; [ ffmpeg ];
moira = {
schweby = {
uid = 1004;
shell =;
isNormalUser = true;
extraGroups = [ "wheel" "cdrom" ];
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJrcJRF71+XM5YZj+SaSiGcdVZ0IDxGBXIWssDtHiTtr moira_2022_06"
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL6JWi0MBDz0Zy4zjauQv28xYmHyapb8D4zeesq91LLE schweby@txsbcct"
hashedPassword = "$6$zkAsaVdmIduqZxez$GY9aBlYeP41F0it/VbbZzLLLRQhHAbDdFsa3e/1GS9McTuSimMHODg6HqNVEH1zSqD3afhK/0UHfqbtF5qpi90";

View file

@ -9,19 +9,17 @@
# boot.plymouth.splashBeforeUnlock = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
pulsemixer pavucontrol
firefox kitty j4-dmenu-desktop bemenu
firefox git kitty j4-dmenu-desktop bemenu
breeze-qt5 mako
mpv youtube-dl
wl-clipboard mumble
slurp grim libnotify
# gnome3.nautilus
] ++ (with pkgs; [ alacritty picom feh copyq polybar cinnamon.nemo rofi arandr notepadqq nomacs imv gthumb ]);
] ++ (with pkgs; [ alacritty picom feh copyq polybar cinnamon.nemo rofi arandr notepadqq nomacs bat ]);
sound.enable = true;
time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin";
hardware.pulseaudio = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.pulseaudioFull;

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
networking.hostName = "nixda"; # Define your hostname.
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ blackmagicDesktopVideo blender companion ];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ blackmagicDesktopVideo blender ];
networking.wg-quick.interfaces.cornbox = {
privateKeyFile = "/etc/wireguard/cornbox.key";
@ -54,21 +54,12 @@
isNormalUser = true;
password = "hacchacc";
extraGroups = [ "audio" "video" ];
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = with pkgs.lib; concatLists (mapAttrsToList (name: user: if elem "wheel" user.extraGroups then user.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys else []) config.users.users);
services.pipewire.enable = true;
services.pipewire.pulse.enable = true;
hardware.pulseaudio.enable = lib.mkForce false;
services.udev.extraRules = ''
SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006?", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
KERNEL=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006?", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="ffff", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1f4?", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
KERNEL=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="ffff", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1f4?", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
# This value determines the NixOS release from which the default
# settings for stateful data, like file locations and database versions
# on your system were taken. Its perfectly fine and recommended to leave

View file

@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
# ../../services/workadventure.nix
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
services.restic.backups.tardis = {
passwordFile = "/persist/restic/system";
environmentFile = "/persist/restic/system.s3creds";
s3CredentialsFile = "/persist/restic/system.s3creds";
paths = [

View file

@ -5,12 +5,5 @@ in {
imports = [
# disabled since vaultwarden defines a dummy bitwarden_rs option that
# shows a deprication warning, which conflicts with this module
disabledModules = [

View file

@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ let
cfg =;
defaultConfig = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.replaceStrings [ "\\u0026" ] [ "&" ]
(readFile "${pkgs.mattermost}/config/config.json")
database = "postgres://${cfg.localDatabaseUser}:${cfg.localDatabasePassword}@localhost:5432/${cfg.localDatabaseName}?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10";
mattermostConf = foldl recursiveUpdate {}
mattermostConf = foldl recursiveUpdate defaultConfig
[ { ServiceSettings.SiteURL = cfg.siteUrl;
ServiceSettings.ListenAddress = cfg.listenAddress;
TeamSettings.SiteName = cfg.siteName;
@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ in
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mattermost}/bin/mattermost" +
(if cfg.mutableConfig then " -c ${database}" else " -c ${cfg.statePath}/config/config.json");
(lib.optionalString (!cfg.mutableConfig) " -c ${database}");
WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.statePath}";
Restart = "always";
RestartSec = "10";

View file

@ -285,14 +285,6 @@ in {
defaultapp = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
example = "files";
description = ''
This options sets the app that opens as default.
caching = {
@ -485,7 +477,6 @@ in {
${optionalString cfg.caching.apcu "'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',"}
'log_type' => 'syslog',
'log_level' => '${builtins.toString cfg.logLevel}',
${optionalString (c.defaultapp != null) "'defaultapp' => '${c.defaultapp}',"}
${optionalString (c.overwriteProtocol != null) "'overwriteprotocol' => '${c.overwriteProtocol}',"}
${optionalString (c.dbname != null) "'dbname' => '${c.dbname}',"}
${optionalString (c.dbhost != null) "'dbhost' => '${c.dbhost}',"}

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.hacc.websites;
options.hacc.websites = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
directory = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = "all subdirectories of the given path are expected to contain a (static) website";
ignore = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [];
description = "subdirectories that shouldn't be published";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts =
subdirs =
let dirAttrs = filterAttrs
(n: v: v == "directory" || lists.elem n cfg.ignore)
in mapAttrsToList (n: v: n) dirAttrs;
mkWebsite = subdir: {
name = subdir;
# the nginx virtualhost config (for all sites) goes in here
value = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# naive string interpolation is safe here since nix will always immediately
# resolve relative paths to absolute paths; it's not lazy about that.
locations."/".root =
(pkgs.callPackage "${}/${subdir}" {}).outPath;
in listToAttrs (map mkWebsite subdirs);

View file

@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
"haccmap": {
"branch": "master",
"repo": "",
"rev": "9490ebf656ef379e51cb518ec0038e15d6aeaac6",
"rev": "3b99ee7e5bb2f27044784d03572da77d39cb2427",
"type": "git"
"home-manager": {
"branch": "release-21.11",
"branch": "release-21.05",
"description": "Manage a user environment using Nix [maintainer=@rycee] ",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "home-manager",
"rev": "d93d56ab8c1c6aa575854a79b9d2f69d491db7d0",
"sha256": "1fi27zabvqlyc2ggg7wr01j813gs46rswg1i897h9hqkbgqsjkny",
"rev": "b39647e52ed3c0b989e9d5c965e598ae4c38d7ef",
"sha256": "0xw1vgwfdn75rgamcsi5j1iqfl0j06x8xp92k24wr9hayfr5m400",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"mattermost-server": {
@ -23,19 +23,25 @@
"homepage": "",
"owner": "mattermost",
"repo": "mattermost-server",
"rev": "2ea14ef395fad8919b2f4137642a7f50b370ffba",
"sha256": "1k5zqnc4yqnad2cw1wpqk22mjra08jz9gf4v692kbrgx3x4d13kh",
"rev": "868b8d91db6e8a0525a9e93c50a388625d426a4a",
"sha256": "1vihpmy7253yl87arlz8y9rahk1q69blykwm3172dk1hxajr7c13",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/refs/tags/v<version>.tar.gz",
"version": "6.7.2"
"version": "5.37.1"
"mattermost-webapp": {
"sha256": "0pwjfklk0q28yza2iny0im5pq3x430jskvq6rvfq7ycx251s98hx",
"sha256": "00q1kcfda2z69ijpw71a6cbj76p5f57nj7pym44pp4cadi2wz180",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<version>/mattermost-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz",
"version": "6.7.2"
"version": "5.37.1"
"mumble-website": {
"branch": "master",
"repo": "",
"rev": "3a70bf8aa1f4bb56524d36153b84cfb538c4f787",
"type": "git"
"niv": {
"branch": "master",
@ -43,10 +49,10 @@
"homepage": "",
"owner": "nmattia",
"repo": "niv",
"rev": "82e5cd1ad3c387863f0545d7591512e76ab0fc41",
"sha256": "090l219mzc0gi33i3psgph6s2pwsc8qy4lyrqjdj4qzkvmaj65a7",
"rev": "e0ca65c81a2d7a4d82a189f1e23a48d59ad42070",
"sha256": "1pq9nh1d8nn3xvbdny8fafzw87mj7gsmp6pxkdl65w2g18rmcmzx",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"nix-hexchen": {
@ -60,25 +66,25 @@
"url_template": "<repo>/-/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"nixos-mailserver": {
"branch": "nixos-21.11",
"ref": "nixos-21.11",
"branch": "nixos-21.05",
"ref": "nixos-21.05",
"repo": "",
"rev": "6e3a7b2ea6f0d68b82027b988aa25d3423787303",
"sha256": "1i56llz037x416bw698v8j6arvv622qc0vsycd20lx3yx8n77n44",
"rev": "5675b122a947b40e551438df6a623efad19fd2e7",
"sha256": "1fwhb7a5v9c98nzhf3dyqf3a5ianqh7k50zizj8v5nmj3blxw4pi",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<repo>/-/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"nixpkgs": {
"branch": "nixos-21.11",
"branch": "nixos-21.05",
"description": "Nix Packages collection",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "nixos",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "eabc38219184cc3e04a974fe31857d8e0eac098d",
"sha256": "04ffwp2gzq0hhz7siskw6qh9ys8ragp7285vi1zh8xjksxn1msc5",
"rev": "2d6ab6c6b92f7aaf8bc53baba9754b9bfdce56f2",
"sha256": "1aafqly1mcqxh0r15mrlsrs4znldhm7cizsmfp3d25lqssay6gjd",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"nixpkgs-unstable": {
@ -87,16 +93,22 @@
"homepage": "",
"owner": "nixos",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "ae1dc133ea5f1538d035af41e5ddbc2ebcb67b90",
"sha256": "0dq22dagzk76x2ws4dz88w018i6byamd6rnzqizx68bzimg6g7xn",
"rev": "fe01052444c1d66ed6ef76df2af798c9769e9e79",
"sha256": "0z99hwxgrvlf0psicwd97kdqqcc3qngfzmcz7k68q6q868y8582y",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"pbb-nixfiles": {
"branch": "main",
"repo": "",
"rev": "ce2d8bbb9eaf1bbc9bd00cb60bf633ecbae86415",
"type": "git"
"workadventure": {
"branch": "master",
"repo": "",
"rev": "8db4bbc5eccaac218c68fb0853f1972dadd7a40c",
"rev": "9adf5b9de18ebfbd5e688bb1b3f040cbc8602c6f",
"type": "git"

View file

@ -31,28 +31,8 @@ let
if spec ? branch then "refs/heads/${spec.branch}" else
if spec ? tag then "refs/tags/${spec.tag}" else
abort "In git source '${name}': Please specify `ref`, `tag` or `branch`!";
submodules = if spec ? submodules then spec.submodules else false;
submoduleArg =
nixSupportsSubmodules = builtins.compareVersions builtins.nixVersion "2.4" >= 0;
emptyArgWithWarning =
if submodules == true
"The niv input \"${name}\" uses submodules "
+ "but your nix's (${builtins.nixVersion}) builtins.fetchGit "
+ "does not support them"
else {};
if nixSupportsSubmodules
then { inherit submodules; }
else emptyArgWithWarning;
({ url = spec.repo; inherit (spec) rev; inherit ref; } // submoduleArg);
builtins.fetchGit { url = spec.repo; inherit (spec) rev; inherit ref; };
fetch_local = spec: spec.path;

View file

@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "blackmagic-desktop-video";
version = "12.2.2";
version = "12.0";
buildInputs = [
libcxx libcxxabi
src = requireFile {
name = "Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.2.2.tar.gz";
url = "";
sha256 = "8bca946bd3f002d2d404a74210c881935351e1a0d03f750559b180fdb439ef35";
name = "Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.1.tar.gz";
url = "";
sha256 = "51febf247d22412beea2d637fcc34cc19b1a46df9a5bf0e157d95705bf7c7b73";
setSourceRoot = ''
tar xf Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.2.2/other/x86_64/desktopvideo-12.2.2a6-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xf Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.1/other/x86_64/desktopvideo-12.1a9-x86_64.tar.gz
installPhase = ''
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
meta = with lib; {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = "";
maintainers = [ maintainers.hexchen ];
license = licenses.unfree;

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
{ stdenv, mkYarnPackage, mkYarnModules, fetchFromGitHub, libsass, python, python3, pkg-config, libusb, fetchurl, nodejs, electron, writeText, makeWrapper, udev, nodePackages, libvips }:
version = "2.1.3";
source = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bitfocus";
repo = "companion";
# rev = "v${version}";
rev = "1cc51029a19d7263a09058f73922277ca53a1583";
sha256 = "0305wwdic3n20whzhh9zqcd3dwj7hc4fpycs645ncc3sk48azmj0";
nodeHeaders = fetchurl {
url = "${nodejs.version}/node-v${nodejs.version}-headers.tar.gz";
sha256 = "19b0dg8292cjx758wlrvpb3jf520bpyvjal2n7r4fyvk38x9flik";
webui = mkYarnPackage rec {
inherit version;
pname = "bitfocus-companion-webui";
src = "${source}/webui";
configurePhase = "
cp -r $node_modules node_modules
chmod -R u+w node_modules
buildPhase = "PUBLIC_URL=. yarn build";
installPhase = "mv build $out";
distPhase = "true";
yarnNix = ./yarn-webui.nix;
pkgConfig = {
node-sass = {
buildInputs = [ libsass python ];
postInstall = "node scripts/build.js --tarball=${nodeHeaders}";
yarnModulesNoWorkspace = args: (mkYarnModules args).overrideAttrs(old: {
buildPhase = builtins.replaceStrings [" ./package.json"] [" /dev/null; cp deps/*/package.json ."] old.buildPhase;
modules = yarnModulesNoWorkspace rec {
inherit version;
pname = "companion-modules";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
yarnNix = ./yarn.nix;
packageJSON = "${source}/package.json";
yarnLock = "${source}/yarn.lock";
pkgConfig = {
node-hid = {
buildInputs = [ udev libusb python3 pkg-config ];
postInstall = "${nodePackages.node-gyp}/bin/node-gyp rebuild --tarball=${nodeHeaders}";
sharp = {
buildInputs = [ libvips pkg-config ];
postInstall = ''
sed -i "s|<!(node -p \"require(\\\\'./lib/libvips\\\\').minimumLibvipsVersion\")|${libvips.version}|" binding.gyp
sed -i "s|<!(node -p \"require(\\\\'./lib/libvips\\\\').pkgConfigPath()\")||" binding.gyp
sed -i "s|<!(node -p \"Boolean(require(\\\\'./lib/libvips\\\\').useGlobalLibvips()).toString()\")|true|" binding.gyp
sed -i "s|PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"<(pkg_config_path)\" ||" binding.gyp
${nodePackages.node-gyp}/bin/node-gyp rebuild --tarball=${nodeHeaders}
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit version webui modules;
pname = "bitfocus-companion";
src = source;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
configurePhase = "";
buildPhase = "";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share
cp --no-preserve=mode -r $src "$out/share/companion"
echo "nixos-f00baa-0" > $out/share/companion/BUILD
ln -s '${webui}' "$out/share/companion/static"
cp -r '${modules}/node_modules' "$out/share/companion/node_modules"
sed -i "s|process.resourcesPath|\"$out/share/companion\"|" $out/share/companion/lib/server_http.js
sed -i "s|require('app-root-path')|\"$out/share/companion\"|" $out/share/companion/{app,lib/{schedule,help,instance}}.js
makeWrapper '${electron}/bin/electron' "$out/bin/companion" \
--add-flags "$out/share/companion"

View file

@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
"name": "companion",
"version": "2.2.0",
"description": "Companion",
"main": "electron.js",
"build": {
"productName": "Companion",
"appId": "",
"remoteBuild": false,
"dmg": {
"artifactName": "companion-mac-${arch}.dmg",
"sign": true
"mac": {
"target": "dmg",
"category": "no.bitfocus.companion",
"extendInfo": {
"LSBackgroundOnly": 1,
"LSUIElement": 1
"extraFiles": [
"from": "./node_modules/sharp/vendor/8.10.6/lib",
"to": "Frameworks",
"filter": [
"win": {
"target": "nsis",
"extraFiles": [
"from": "./node_modules/sharp/build/Release",
"to": ".",
"filter": [
"nsis": {
"artifactName": "companion-win64.exe",
"createStartMenuShortcut": true,
"perMachine": true,
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"companion-module-metus-ingest": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-metus-ingest#v1.2.1",
"companion-module-middleatlantic-racklink": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-middleatlantic-racklink#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-middlethings-middlecontrol": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-middlethings-middlecontrol#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-modelighting-edin": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-modelighting-edin#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-modulo": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-modulo#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-motu-avb": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-motu-avb#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-msc-router": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-msc-router#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-multicamsystems-multicamsuite": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-multicamsystems-multicamsuite#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-muxlab-kvm": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-muxlab-kvm#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-neodarque-stagetimer2": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-neodarque-stagetimer2#v1.2.6",
"companion-module-netio-powerbox": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-netio-powerbox#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-nevion-mrp": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-nevion-mrp#v2.0.2",
"companion-module-newbluefx-titler": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-newbluefx-titler#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-newtek-ndistudiomonitor": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-newtek-ndistudiomonitor#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-newtek-tricaster": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-newtek-tricaster#v1.1.4",
"companion-module-nexo-nxamp": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-nexo-nxamp#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-nobe-omniscope": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-nobe-omniscope#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-noismada-octopuslistener": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-noismada-octopuslistener#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-noismada-octopusshowcontrol": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-noismada-octopusshowcontrol#v1.2.0",
"companion-module-novastar-controller": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-novastar-controller#v1.0.6",
"companion-module-obs-studio": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-obs-studio#v1.0.24",
"companion-module-obsidiancontrol-onyx": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-obsidiancontrol-onyx#v1.0.3",
"companion-module-octava-pro-dsx": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-octava-pro-dsx#v0.0.1",
"companion-module-openlp-http": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-openlp-http#v0.1.1",
"companion-module-opensong-api": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-opensong-api#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-openweather-rest": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-openweather-rest#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-opticis-omm-1000": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-opticis-omm-1000#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-optoma-z28s": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-optoma-z28s#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-orfast-ndi": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-orfast-ndi#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-panasonic-avhs": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-panasonic-avhs#v1.0.4",
"companion-module-panasonic-camera-controller": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-panasonic-camera-controller#v1.0.6",
"companion-module-panasonic-projector": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-panasonic-projector#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-panasonic-ptz": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-panasonic-ptz#v1.0.19",
"companion-module-panasonic-tv-th": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-panasonic-tv-th#v0.0.1",
"companion-module-pangolin-beyond": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-pangolin-beyond#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-phillips-hue": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-phillips-hue#v0.0.4",
"companion-module-pixap-pixtimerpro": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-pixap-pixtimerpro#v1.0.6",
"companion-module-planningcenter-serviceslive": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-planningcenter-serviceslive#v1.0.5",
"companion-module-presentationtools-aps": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-presentationtools-aps#v1.1.0",
"companion-module-presentationtools-cuetimer": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-presentationtools-cuetimer#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-protopie-bridge": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-protopie-bridge#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-prsi-ipower": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-prsi-ipower#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-ptzoptics-visca": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-ptzoptics-visca#v1.1.6",
"companion-module-qsys-remote-control": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-qsys-remote-control#v1.0.3",
"companion-module-radiodj-rest": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-radiodj-rest#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-rationalacoustics-smaart3": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-rationalacoustics-smaart3#v1.0.3",
"companion-module-renewedvision-propresenter": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-renewedvision-propresenter#v2.4.0",
"companion-module-renewedvision-pvp": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-renewedvision-pvp#v1.0.7",
"companion-module-resolume-arena": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-resolume-arena#v1.0.5",
"companion-module-rocosoft-ptzjoy": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-rocosoft-ptzjoy#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-roku-tv": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roku-tv#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-roland-m5000": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-m5000#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-roland-v1200hd": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-v1200hd#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-roland-v600uhd": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-v600uhd#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-roland-v60hd": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-v60hd#v1.0.10",
"companion-module-roland-vp42h": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-vp42h#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-roland-vr50hd-mk2": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-vr50hd-mk2#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-roland-xs42h": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-xs42h#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-roland-xs62s": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-xs62s#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-roland-xs84h": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-roland-xs84h#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-rossvideo-caprica": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-rossvideo-caprica#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-rossvideo-nkrouter": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-rossvideo-nkrouter#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-rossvideo-rosstalk": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-rossvideo-rosstalk#v1.2.8",
"companion-module-rossvideo-xpression": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-rossvideo-xpression#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-sain-smart-relay": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sain-smart-relay#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-seervision-suite": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-seervision-suite#v1.1.0",
"companion-module-sharp-tv": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sharp-tv#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-showcuesystems-scs": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-showcuesystems-scs#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-shure-dis-ccu": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-shure-dis-ccu#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-shure-psm1000": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-shure-psm1000#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-shure-scm820": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-shure-scm820#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-shure-wireless": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-shure-wireless#v1.2.0",
"companion-module-sienna-ndimonitor": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sienna-ndimonitor#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-singularlive-studio": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-singularlive-studio#v1.0.7",
"companion-module-slack-webhooks": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-slack-webhooks#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-softron-movierecorder": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-softron-movierecorder#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-softron-ontheairvideo": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-softron-ontheairvideo#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-sononum-horae": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sononum-horae#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-sonoran-coyote": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sonoran-coyote#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-sonos-speakers": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sonos-speakers#v0.2.0",
"companion-module-sony-bravia": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sony-bravia#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-sony-visca": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sony-visca#v1.2.8",
"companion-module-soundcraft-ui": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-soundcraft-ui#v2.0.3",
"companion-module-sounddevices-pixnet": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-sounddevices-pixnet#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-spotify-remote": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-spotify-remote#v1.0.7",
"companion-module-spx-gc": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-spx-gc#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-studiocoast-vmix": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-studiocoast-vmix#v1.2.22",
"companion-module-symetrix-dsp": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-symetrix-dsp#v1.3.0",
"companion-module-tallyma-wirelesstally": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tallyma-wirelesstally#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-tascam-bdmp1": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tascam-bdmp1#v0.1.5",
"companion-module-tascam-cd": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tascam-cd#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-techministry-midirelay": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-techministry-midirelay#v2.0.4",
"companion-module-techministry-protally": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-techministry-protally#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-techministry-tallyarbiter": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-techministry-tallyarbiter#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-teracom-tcw181b": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-teracom-tcw181b#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-teradek-vidiu": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-teradek-vidiu#v1.0.2",
"companion-module-tesla-smart": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tesla-smart#v1.0.3",
"companion-module-thelightingcontroller": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-thelightingcontroller#v1.1.2",
"companion-module-thingm-blink1": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-thingm-blink1#v1.2.3",
"companion-module-tplink-kasasmartplug": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tplink-kasasmartplug#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-tslproducts-umd": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tslproducts-umd#v1.2.1",
"companion-module-tvone-corio": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-tvone-corio#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-twitch-api": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-twitch-api#v1.0.0",
"companion-module-ubiquiti-unifi": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-ubiquiti-unifi#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-vaddio-ptz": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-vaddio-ptz#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-vicreo-hotkey": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-vicreo-hotkey#v2.0.5",
"companion-module-vicreo-variablelistener": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-vicreo-variablelistener#v1.0.7",
"companion-module-videolan-vlc": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-videolan-vlc#v1.1.12",
"companion-module-visualproductions-bstation2": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-visualproductions-bstation2#v1.0.6",
"companion-module-vivitek-projector": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-vivitek-projector#v1.0.3",
"companion-module-vizio-smartcast": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-vizio-smartcast#v1.1.4",
"companion-module-vyv-photon": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-vyv-photon#v1.0.4",
"companion-module-wyrestorm-sw0402mv": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-wyrestorm-sw0402mv#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-xiamen-sprolink-vd-series": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-xiamen-sprolink-vd-series#v1.0.1",
"companion-module-yamaha-rcp": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-yamaha-rcp#v1.6.0",
"companion-module-youtube-live": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-youtube-live#v1.1.2",
"companion-module-zenvideo-ndirouter": "github:bitfocus/companion-module-zenvideo-ndirouter#v1.0.1",
"debug": "^4.2.0",
"elgato-stream-deck": "^4.1.0",
"emberplus-connection": "^0.0.4",
"express": "^4.16.3",
"find-process": "1.4.4",
"fs-extra": "^10.0.0",
"infinitton-idisplay": "^1.0.5",
"lodash": "^4.17.20",
"mkdirp": "^1.0.4",
"moment": "^2.29.1",
"network": "^0.4.1",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
"node-rest-client": "^3.1.0",
"osc": "^2.4.1",
"pngjs": "^3.3.3",
"sharp": "^0.28.3",
"shortid": "^2.2.16",
"": "^4.1.2",
"strip-ansi": "^5.2.0",
"websocket": "^1.0.34",
"node-hid": "^2.1.1",
"serialport": "^9.2.0",
"ws": "^7.4.6"
"collective": {
"type": "donorbox",
"url": ""
"optionalDependencies": {
"@julusian/jpeg-turbo": "^1.1.1"
"resolutions": {
"infinitton-idisplay/node-hid": "^2.1.1",
"**/osc/serialport": "^9.2.0",
"**/osc/ws": "^7.4.6"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
{ stdenv, requireFile, fetchpatch, kernel, lib }:
{ stdenv, requireFile, fetchpatch, kernel }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "decklink";
version = "12.2.2";
version = "12.0";
src = requireFile {
name = "Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.2.2.tar.gz";
url = "";
sha256 = "8bca946bd3f002d2d404a74210c881935351e1a0d03f750559b180fdb439ef35";
name = "Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.1.tar.gz";
url = "";
sha256 = "51febf247d22412beea2d637fcc34cc19b1a46df9a5bf0e157d95705bf7c7b73";
KERNELDIR = "${}/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/build";
@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
nativeBuildInputs = kernel.moduleBuildDependencies;
setSourceRoot = ''
tar xf Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.2.2/other/x86_64/desktopvideo-12.2.2a6-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xf Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Linux_12.1/other/x86_64/desktopvideo-12.1a9-x86_64.tar.gz
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
make -C $sourceRoot/blackmagic-12.2.2a6 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
make -C $sourceRoot/blackmagic-io-12.2.2a6 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
make -C $sourceRoot/blackmagic-12.1a9 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
make -C $sourceRoot/blackmagic-io-12.1a9 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
runHook postBuild
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
make -C $KERNELDIR M=$sourceRoot/blackmagic-12.2.2a6 modules_install
make -C $KERNELDIR M=$sourceRoot/blackmagic-io-12.2.2a6 modules_install
make -C $KERNELDIR M=$sourceRoot/blackmagic-12.1a9 modules_install
make -C $KERNELDIR M=$sourceRoot/blackmagic-io-12.1a9 modules_install
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = "";
maintainers = [ maintainers.hexchen ];
license = licenses.unfree;

View file

@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ let
newpkgs = {
alps = callPackage ./alps {};
companion = callPackage ./companion {};
libvips = callPackage ./libvips {};
docker = pkgs.docker.overrideAttrs (super: {
moby = super.moby.overrideAttrs (super: {
extraPath = super.extraPath + ":${pkgs.zfs}/bin";
@ -60,9 +57,7 @@ let
uffd = callPackage ./uffd {};
inherit (unstable) bottom vaultwarden vaultwarden-vault;
inherit (unstable) bottom;
in pkgs.extend(_: _: newpkgs)

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
stdenv, fetchurl, pkg-config, glib, expat,
libjpeg_turbo, libexif, librsvg, libtiff, libpng
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "libvips";
version = "8.11.3";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/vips-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "00fz7h7vb0qqsc9i2smp3aljwjyb5cin2fiqillv8vvx8wpis2lv";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ glib ];
buildInputs = [ expat libjpeg_turbo libexif librsvg libtiff libpng ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];

pkgs/matrix/default.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
self: super:
python38Packages = super.python3Packages // {
twisted = with super.python3Packages;
twisted.overrideAttrs (old: rec {
version = "21.2.0";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit version;
extension = "tar.gz";
pname = "Twisted";
sha256 = "04jsr67swzj8vn8z64fzbha7vpkm1jz9ns26566vjsfg8n4llm3p";
matrix-synapse = super.matrix-synapse.overrideAttrs (old: {
propagatedBuildInputs = with self.python3Packages; [
python = self.python3;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, buildGoPackage, buildEnv, lib }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, buildGoPackage, buildEnv }:
sources = import ../../nix/sources.nix;
@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ let
goPackagePath = "";
ldflags = [
"-X ${goPackagePath}/model.BuildNumber=nixpkgs-${version}"
buildFlagsArray = ''
-X ${goPackagePath}/model.BuildNumber=nixpkgs-${version}
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ in
name = "mattermost-${version}";
paths = [ mattermost-server mattermost-webapp ];
meta = with lib; {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Open-source, self-hosted Slack-alternative";
homepage = "";
license = with licenses; [ agpl3 asl20 ];

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
{ stdenv, lib, python3Packages, fetchzip }:
python3Packages.buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "uffd";
version = "2.0.1";
src = fetchzip {
url = "${version}/uffd-v${version}.tar.gz";
hash = "sha256-KP4J1bw5u7MklaPu2SBFRNyGgkKOBOpft5MMH+em5M4=";
patches = [ ./gitea-magic.patch ./fix-setuppy.patch ./fix-userinfo.patch ];
propagatedBuildInputs = with python3Packages; [
postPatch = ''
sed -i -e 's/==[0-9.]\+//g'
doCheck = false;
doInstallCheck = false;

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--- a/ 2022-04-30 13:12:45.564651955 +0000
+++ b/ 2022-04-30 13:17:02.545809513 +0000
@@ -41,31 +41,5 @@
- # The main dependencies on their own lead to version collisions and pip is
- # not very good at resolving them, so we pin the versions from Debian Buster
- # for all dependencies.
- 'certifi==2018.8.24',
- #cffi==1.12.2'
- 'cffi # v1.12.2 no longer works with python3.9. Newer versions seem to work fine.',
- 'chardet==3.0.4',
- 'click==7.0',
- 'cryptography==2.6.1',
- 'idna==2.6',
- 'itsdangerous==0.24',
- 'Jinja2==2.10',
- 'MarkupSafe==1.1.0',
- 'oauthlib==2.1.0',
- 'pyasn1==0.4.2',
- 'pycparser==2.19',
- 'requests==2.21.0',
- 'requests-oauthlib==1.0.0',
- 'six==1.12.0',
- 'SQLAlchemy==1.2.18',
- 'urllib3==1.24.1',
- 'Werkzeug==0.14.1',
- 'python-dateutil==2.7.3',
- #editor==1.0.3
- 'Mako==1.0.7',

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
--- a/uffd/oauth2/ 2022-04-30 20:39:53.825474990 +0000
+++ b/uffd/oauth2/ 2022-04-30 20:40:12.632389377 +0000
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@
+ username=user.loginname,
groups=[ for group in user.groups]

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
From e3c0995160a653ef6cd8784b255036585b273b82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: stuebinm <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 18:02:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] magic gitea patch
uffd/oauth2/ | 9 +++++++++
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
diff --git a/uffd/oauth2/ b/uffd/oauth2/
index d13fd42..94352be 100644
--- a/uffd/oauth2/
+++ b/uffd/oauth2/
@@ -230,6 +230,15 @@ def oauth_required(*scopes):
def userinfo():
user = request.oauth.user
+ client = request.oauth.client_id
+ if client == "gitea":
+ return jsonify(
+ id=user.unix_uid,
+ full_name=user.displayname,
+ login=user.loginname,
+ email=user.mail,
+ groups=[ for group in user.groups]
+ )
return jsonify(

View file

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, evalConfig, sources, ... }:
containers.gitea = {
privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
autoStart = true;
bindMounts = {
"/persist" = {
hostPath = "/persist/containers/gitea";
isReadOnly = false;
path = (evalConfig {
hosts = { };
groups = { };
} ({ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, sources, ... }: {
boot.isContainer = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
imports = [ ((import sources.nix-hexchen) { }).profiles.nopersist ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.gitea ];
hexchen.bindmounts."/var/lib/gitea" = "/persist/gitea";
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
networking.firewall.enable = false;
networking.defaultGateway = {
address = "";
interface = "eth0";
services.coredns = {
enable = true;
config = ''
.:53 {
forward .
services.gitea = {
enable = true;
appName = "0x0: git for all creatures";
rootUrl = "";
httpAddress = "";
httpPort = 3000;
lfs.enable = true;
disableRegistration = true;
database.type = "postgres";
cookieSecure = true;
log.level = "Info";
# mailerPasswordFile =
# "/var/lib/secrets/noreply"; # see below for access permissions
settings = {
# mailer = {
# ENABLED = true;
# HOST = "";
# FROM = "";
# USER = "";
# };
repository = {
oauth2_client = {
"repository.pull-requests" = {
"repository.upload".FILE_MAX_SIZE = 1024;
server = {
LANDING_PAGE = "explore";
security = { INSTALL_LOCK = true; };
other = {
cron = {
ENABLED = true;
"cron.update_mirrors" = {
SCHEDULE = "@every 12h";
PULL_LIMIT = "-1";
PUSH_LIMIT = "-1";
"cron.git_gc_repos".ENABLED = true;
"cron.delete_old_actions".ENABLED = true;
services.postgresqlBackup = {
enable = true;
databases = [ "gitea" ];
startAt = "*-*-* 23:45:00";
location = "/persist/backups/postgres";
services.openssh = {
enable = true;
passwordAuthentication = false;
listenAddresses = [ {
addr = "";
port = 22;
} ];
extraConfig = ''
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.gitea.localAddress}:3000";
hexchen.nftables.nat.forwardPorts = [{
ports = [ 22 ];
destination = "${config.containers.gitea.localAddress}:22";
proto = "tcp";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
{config, pkgs, lib, ...}:
services.gitlab-runner = {
enable = true;
concurrent = 4;
services = {
infra4future = {
buildsDir = "/persist/var/lib/gitlab-runner/builds";
dockerImage = "nixos/nix";
executor = "docker";
registrationConfigFile = "/persist/var/lib/gitlab-runner/gitlab-runner.env";
nix = {
limit = 1; # don't run multiple jobs
registrationConfigFile = "/persist/var/lib/gitlab-runner/gitlab-runner.env";
dockerImage = "alpine";
dockerVolumes = [
dockerDisableCache = true;
preBuildScript = pkgs.writeScript "setup-container" ''
mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix/var/log/nix/drvs
mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix/var/nix/gcroots
mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix/var/nix/profiles
mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix/var/nix/temproots
mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix/var/nix/userpool
mkdir -p -m 1777 /nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user
mkdir -p -m 1777 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user
mkdir -p -m 0755 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root
mkdir -p -m 0700 "$HOME/.nix-defexpr"
. ${pkgs.nix}/etc/profile.d/
${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-env -i ${lib.concatStringsSep " " (with pkgs; [ nix cacert git openssh ])}
${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-channel --add
${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-channel --update nixpkgs
environmentVariables = {
ENV = "/etc/profile";
USER = "root";
NIX_REMOTE = "daemon";
PATH = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin";
NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
tagList = [ "nix" ];
}; = {
DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false;
User = "gitlab-runner";
users.users.gitlab-runner = {
home = "/persist/var/lib/gitlab-runner";
extraGroups = [ "docker" ];
isSystemUser = true;
virtualisation.docker.storageDriver = "zfs";

services/gitlab.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
{config, pkgs, lib, profiles, modules, evalConfig, sources, ...}:
containers.gitlab = {
autoStart = true;
privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
bindMounts = {
"/persist" = {
hostPath = "/persist/containers/gitlab";
isReadOnly = false;
path = (evalConfig {hosts = {}; groups = {};} ({ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, sources, ... }: {
boot.isContainer = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
imports = [
((import sources.nix-hexchen) {}).profiles.nopersist
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
networking.firewall.enable = false;
networking.defaultGateway = {
address = "";
interface = "eth0";
services.gitlab = {
enable = true;
databaseCreateLocally = true;
host = "";
https = true;
port = 443;
statePath = "/persist/gitlab";
user = "git";
databaseUsername = "git";
initialRootPasswordFile = "/persist/secrets/gitlab-root";
secrets.secretFile = "/persist/secrets/gitlab-secret";
secrets.dbFile = "/persist/secrets/gitlab-db";
secrets.otpFile = "/persist/secrets/gitlab-otp";
secrets.jwsFile = "/persist/secrets/gitlab-jws";
smtp = {
enable = true;
address = "";
port = 587;
authentication = "plain";
domain = "";
enableStartTLSAuto = true;
username = "";
passwordFile = "/persist/secrets/noreply-pass";
pagesExtraArgs = [ "-listen-proxy" "" ];
extraConfig = {
pages = {
enabled = true;
host = "";
port = 443;
https = true;
omniauth = {
enabled = true;
auto_sign_in_with_provider = "openid_connect";
allow_single_sign_on = ["openid_connect"];
block_auto_created_users = false;
providers = [
name = "openid_connect";
label = "infra4future Login";
args = {
name = "openid_connect";
scope = ["openid" "profile" "email"];
response_type = "code";
issuer = "";
discovery = true;
client_auth_method = "query";
uid_field = "username";
client_options = {
identifier = "gitlab";
secret = { _secret = "/persist/secrets/oidc-clientsecret"; };
redirect_uri = "";
services.redis.enable = true;
services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql_13;
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
recommendedGzipSettings = true;
recommendedOptimisation = true;
recommendedTlsSettings = true;
virtualHosts."" = {
default = true;
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse.socket";
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
proxy_redirect off;
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.passwordAuthentication = false;
users.users.git = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "gitlab";
home = "/persist/gitlab/home";
uid = 165;
services.coredns = {
enable = true;
config = ''
.:53 {
forward .
hexchen.nftables.nat.forwardPorts = [{
ports = [ 22 ];
destination = "${config.containers.gitlab.localAddress}:22";
proto = "tcp";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.gitlab.localAddress}:80";
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true;
proxy_redirect off;
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.gitlab.localAddress}:8090";
serverName = "~^((.*)\.)?4future\.dev$";
useACMEHost = "";
forceSSL = true;
security.acme.certs."" = {
dnsProvider = "cloudflare";
credentialsFile = "/var/lib/acme/cloudflare.pass";
extraDomainNames = [ "*" ];
group =;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
imports = [
((import sources.nix-hexchen) {}).profiles.nopersist
@ -42,12 +43,7 @@
allowFreeURL = true;
allowGravatar = false;
allowOrigin = [ "localhost" "" "" ];
db = {
host = "/run/postgresql";
username = "codimd";
dialect = "postgres";
database = "codimd";
dbURL = "postgres://codimd:codimd@localhost:5432/codimd";
defaultPermission = "limited";
domain = "";
host = "";
@ -55,18 +51,17 @@
hsts.preload = false;
email = false;
oauth2 = {
authorizationURL = "";
tokenURL = "";
authorizationURL = "";
tokenURL = "";
clientID = "hedgedoc";
clientSecret = "1a730af1-4d6e-4c1d-8f7e-72375c9b8d62";
}; = {
"CMD_LOGLEVEL" = "warn";
@ -79,11 +74,6 @@
authentication = ''
local all all trust
host codimd codimd trust
package = pkgs.postgresql_11;
services.postgresqlBackup = {
enable = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
imports = [
((import sources.nix-hexchen) {}).profiles.nopersist
@ -42,11 +43,7 @@
allowFreeURL = true;
allowGravatar = false;
allowOrigin = [ "localhost" "" "" ];
db = {
host = "/run/postgresql";
dialect = "postgres";
database = "hedgedoc";
dbURL = "postgres://hedgedoc:hedgedoc@localhost:5432/hedgedoc";
defaultPermission = "freely";
domain = "";
host = "";
@ -55,12 +52,8 @@
email = false;
}; = {
"CMD_LOGLEVEL" = "warn";
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.postgresql_11;
authentication = ''
local all all trust
host hedgedoc hedgedoc trust

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, evalConfig, ... }:
unstable = import (import ../nix/sources.nix).nixpkgs-unstable {};
in {
containers.lantifa = {
autoStart = true;
privateNetwork = true;
@ -35,12 +37,13 @@
services.mediawiki = {
enable = true;
name = "LANtifa";
package = unstable.mediawiki;
database.createLocally = true;
passwordFile = "/var/lib/mediawiki/mediawiki-password";
extraConfig = let
wikidb = pkgs.fetchzip {
url = "";
sha256 = "sha256-8pMNQwmGEsbIoSV1s4RL5Xqq4+f+GNOaCB8VlVnbweY=";
url = "";
sha256 = "0d4f2ygglz4w515a7lgw59500q3xmr92xxhsmh8p204yaa769x8v";
in ''
// Configure short URLs
@ -77,8 +80,8 @@
sha256 = "1k0z44jfqsxzwy6jjz3yfibiq8wi845d5iwwh8j3yijn2854fj0i";
intersection = pkgs.fetchzip { # This is the DynamicPageList extension
url = "";
sha256 = "sha256-TD58DvJ4CFASP4rIc94jeB4SN4zktLe33xZtz/Qg2dk=";
url = "";
sha256 = "0b5viv0d2pm1g68hynm8xbvcyw2cr3lgaxbqzdykk2yvvhc4w8j5";
PageForms = pkgs.fetchzip {
url = "";

View file

@ -1,75 +1,43 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, sources, ... }:
imports = [ sources.nixos-mailserver.outPath ];
# reduce log spam =
3; # this is set to error because rspamd regularly complains about not enough learns = 5; # = notice = 5; # = notice
# stop postfix from dying if rspamd hiccups = {
Requires = lib.mkForce "dovecot2.service opendkim.service";
imports = [
mailserver = {
mailDirectory = "/persist/mail";
enable = true;
fqdn = "";
monitoring = {
enable = true;
alertAddress = "";
domains = [
domains = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ];
loginAccounts = {
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$x9skYtRp4dgxC$1y8gPC2BuVqG3kJVSMGgzZv0Bg1T9qxcnBWLIDbANy1d//SQ23Y7s3IMYcEPd1/l/MYWD9Y/Qse6HbT5w5Xwq/";
"".aliases = [ "" "" "" ];
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$KceTivtJ$58jxhYF6ULfivNsb3Z0J7PnGea0Hs2wTWh3c9FrKRIAmuOD96u2IDgZRCn6P5NrXA0BL.n6HC2RS3r.4JnOmg.";
"".aliases = [ "" ];
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$QveHpwMcp9mkFVAU$EFuahOrJIxPg.c.WGFHtrP3.onwJYwvP7fiBHHGb9jhosewZ2tEUP.2D3uyDLhd9Cfny6Yp4jDk/Hkjk7/ME1/";
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$BpYhwcZNrkLhVqK$6FMqA/vUkdV4GBlHLSqS5DRCb/CaLDNeIsBcZ8G30heytS/tJj2Ag7b1ovSltTA4PUfhee3pJrz1BkwkA93vN1";
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$ISAaU8X6D$oGKe9WXDWrRpGzHUTdxrxdtg9zuGOlBMuDc82IZhegpsv1bqd550FhZZrI40IjZTA5Hy2MZ8j/0efpnQ4fOQH0";
"".aliases = [ "" ];
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$mjrMQG5smqLRlm$WzmbiZnGlEXGT7hj/n2qz0nvVzGyZfMToCyLRi0wErfVEHI7y7jtWoHqIWnpcHAM29UocsIFFsUCb3XqQCwwB.";
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$EZpv9XImv5F3$p2NSoo5gLxh6NnB3/C6wF8knRTuMHqDXYF3BEscaQuk7qok2Z13xKT/6mFvvSKKBnFCuYptgnfGswmoqIzm/1/";
"".aliases = [ "" ];
"".hashedPassword =
"".hashedPassword = "$6$R3GRmvXwqnMM6q.R$Y9mrUAmMnCScsM6pKjxo2a2XPM7lHrV8FIgK0PzhYvZbxWczo7.O4dk1onYeV1mRx/nXZfkZNjqNCruCn0S2m.";
"" = {
hashedPassword =
sendOnly = true;
"" = {
hashedPassword =
sendOnly = true;
# service accounts
"".hashedPassword = "$6$YsqMoItITZUzI5wo$5Lejf8XBHRx4LW4VuZ9wJCiBbT4kOV/EZaCdWQ07eVIrkRTZwXWZ5zfsh.olXEFwvpNWN.DBnU.dQc.cC0/ra/";
"".hashedPassword = "$6$f0xKnQxBInd$zbVIi1lTKWauqW.c8sMNLHNwzn81oQrVOiIfJwPa98n9xWz/NkjuWLYuFpK.MSZwNwP7Yv/a/qaOb9v8qv/.N1";
"".hashedPassword = "$6$8vvkYuxv$9xV5WktsqfgM3cWSxonjtaohm7oqvDC5qsgJCJBATwesjTRxd/QTLa7t7teK8Nzyl.Py26xz.NvYowCZQ4aBE1";
"".hashedPassword = "$6$uaD8bRcT1$gFqhFyu5RUsyUUOG5b.kN.JAJ1rVHvaYhpeRHoMvrERAMgBu1FHu2oDnjTsy.5NKoLc5xpI5uv4Gpy4YbmDmV.";
"".hashedPassword = "$6$8x8/OlMFjq1$S54jdBh7WjrdC6UtbYAHHzMJak7Ai/CjwmWBBbqh7yRHuZt.mfZrsfBNiL3JKBHE7seQ7JYRU99lJKCU6Aujg/";
extraVirtualAliases = {
@ -81,41 +49,42 @@
# admin: current people with access to the mail server and knowledge on how to use it™
"" =
[ "" "" "" ];
# admin: current people with access to the mail server and knowledge on how to use it
"" = [
# voc: hacc video operation center, various streaming-related things
"" = [
# -- Regional: Germany --
# board of hacc e.V.
"" =
[ "" "" "" ];
"" = [
# members of hacc e.V.
"" = [
# -- Regional: Munich --
@ -123,47 +92,58 @@
# -- c3 world operation centre --
"" = [
# Use Let's Encrypt certificates. Note that this needs to set up a stripped
# down nginx and opens port 80.
certificateScheme = 3;
# Only allow implict TLS
enableImap = false;
enablePop3 = false;
# Enable IMAP and POP3
enableImap = true;
enablePop3 = true;
enableImapSsl = true;
enablePop3Ssl = true;
# Enable the ManageSieve protocol
enableManageSieve = true;
# whether to scan inbound emails for viruses (note that this requires at least
# 1 Gb RAM for the server. Without virus scanning 256 MB RAM should be plenty)
virusScanning = false;
services.postfix.submissionOptions.smtpd_sender_restrictions =
lib.mkForce "reject_non_fqdn_sender,reject_unknown_sender_domain,permit";
services.postfix.submissionsOptions.smtpd_sender_restrictions =
lib.mkForce "reject_non_fqdn_sender,reject_unknown_sender_domain,permit";
services.postfix.submissionOptions.smtpd_sender_restrictions = "reject_non_fqdn_sender,reject_unknown_sender_domain,permit";
services.postfix.submissionsOptions.smtpd_sender_restrictions = "reject_non_fqdn_sender,reject_unknown_sender_domain,permit";
services.postfix.virtual = ''
''; = {
enable = true;
script =
"${pkgs.alps}/bin/alps -theme alps imaps:// smtps://";
script = "${pkgs.alps}/bin/alps -theme alps imaps:// smtps://";
serviceConfig.WorkingDirectory = "${pkgs.alps}/share/alps";
serviceConfig.Restart = "always";
requiredBy = [ "" ];

services/matrix-synapse.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
{config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ./../pkgs/matrix) ];
services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.initialScript = pkgs.writeText "synapse-init.sql" ''
CREATE ROLE "matrix-synapse" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'synapse';
CREATE DATABASE "matrix-synapse" WITH OWNER "matrix-synapse"
TEMPLATE template0
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
# only recommendedProxySettings and recommendedGzipSettings are strictly required,
# but the rest make sense as well (according to the broken example from the manual)
recommendedTlsSettings = true;
recommendedOptimisation = true;
recommendedGzipSettings = true;
recommendedProxySettings = true;
virtualHosts = {
# This host section can be placed on a different host than the rest,
# i.e. to delegate from the host on which matrix / synapse actually run.
# This may make migration easier; in our case it's mostly added complexity.
"" = {
# see
# for documentation on what should be returned at these endpoints.
locations."= /.well-known/matrix/server".extraConfig = ''
add_header Content-Type application/json;
return 200 '${builtins.toJSON { "m.server" = ""; }}';
# this is to configure the nice default homeserver setting for our element web.
locations."= /.well-known/matrix/client".extraConfig =
let client = {
"m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = ""; };
"m.identity_server" = { "base_url" = ""; };
in ''
add_header Content-Type application/json;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
return 200 '${builtins.toJSON client}';
# this serves the actual matrix endpoint
"" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# it is not recommended to have the actual element web interface on the same domain,
# cf. on this.
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
return 404;
locations."/_matrix" = {
proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008";
# the element web client for our matrix server.
"" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
root = pkgs.element-web.override {
conf = {
# the base_url here must be identical to the one on above.
default_server_config."m.homeserver" = {
"base_url" = "";
"server_name" = "";
services.matrix-synapse = {
enable = true;
server_name = "";
public_baseurl = "";
enable_registration = true;
allow_guest_access = true;
max_upload_size = "25M";
max_image_pixels = "25M";
dynamic_thumbnails = true;
extraConfigFiles = [ "/var/lib/matrix-synapse/secrets.yml" ];
extraConfig = ''
smtp_user: ""
smtp_port: 587
notif_from: "Your Friendly %(app)s homeserver <>"
require_transport_security: true
enable_notifs: true
client_base_url: ""
invite_client_location: ""
admin_contact: ''
use_presence: false # uses lots of CPU for bacially nothing
limit_profile_requests_to_users_who_share_rooms: true # limits unoticed stalking/network analysis
allow_public_rooms_without_auth: true # public rooms should be public. can be changed if too much spam occurs
default_room_version: "6"
redaction_retention_period: 3d # ich hab keine Ahnung, was das tut, aber weniger klingt besser
user_ips_max_age: 1d # ich will das Zeug gar nicht qq
enabled: true
min_lifetime: 1d # does nothing
max_lifetime: 2w
allowed_lifetime_min: 1h
allowed_lifetime_max: 15w
- longest_max_lifetime: 1h
interval: 15m
- longest_max_lifetime: 1d
interval: 1h
- longest_max_lifetime: 3d
interval: 12h
- shortest_max_lifetime: 1w
interval: 1d
- ""
auto_join_rooms_for_guests: true
enabled: true
minimum_length: 16
include_content: false
group_unread_count_by_room: false
encryption_enabled_by_default_for_room_type: all # invite might be the more sane setting, but like this we never retain any unecrypted messeage from our rooms
enable_group_creation: true
group_creation_prefix: "__" # groups created by non-admins start eith this prefix
enabled: true
search_all_users: false
prefer_local_users: true
# User Consent configuration
# for detailed instructions, see
# Parts of this section are required if enabling the 'consent' resource under
# 'listeners', in particular 'template_dir' and 'version'.
# 'template_dir' gives the location of the templates for the HTML forms.
# This directory should contain one subdirectory per language (eg, 'en', 'fr'),
# and each language directory should contain the policy document (named as
# '<version>.html') and a success page (success.html).
# 'version' specifies the 'current' version of the policy document. It defines
# the version to be served by the consent resource if there is no 'v'
# parameter.
# 'server_notice_content', if enabled, will send a user a "Server Notice"
# asking them to consent to the privacy policy. The 'server_notices' section
# must also be configured for this to work. Notices will *not* be sent to
# guest users unless 'send_server_notice_to_guests' is set to true.
# 'block_events_error', if set, will block any attempts to send events
# until the user consents to the privacy policy. The value of the setting is
# used as the text of the error.
# 'require_at_registration', if enabled, will add a step to the registration
# process, similar to how captcha works. Users will be required to accept the
# policy before their account is created.
# 'policy_name' is the display name of the policy users will see when registering
# for an account. Has no effect unless `require_at_registration` is enabled.
# Defaults to "Privacy Policy".
# template_dir: res/templates/privacy
# version: 1.0
# server_notice_content:
# msgtype: m.text
# body: >-
# To continue using this homeserver you must review and agree to the
# terms and conditions at %(consent_uri)s
# send_server_notice_to_guests: true
# block_events_error: >-
# To continue using this homeserver you must review and agree to the
# terms and conditions at %(consent_uri)s
# require_at_registration: false
# policy_name: Privacy Policy
listeners = [ {
port = 8008;
bind_address = "::1";
type = "http";
tls = false;
x_forwarded = true;
resources = [ {
names = [ "client" "federation" ];
compress = false;
} ];
} ];

View file

@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ in {
TeamSettings = {
EnableTeamCreation = true;
EnableUserCreation = true;
MaxUsersPerTeam = 250;
EnableOpenServer = false;
EnableUserDeactivation = true;
ExperimentalViewArchivedChannels = true;
@ -141,9 +140,9 @@ in {
Enable = true;
Id = "mattermost";
Scope = "";
AuthEndpoint = "";
TokenEndpoint = "";
UserApiEndpoint = "";
AuthEndpoint = "";
TokenEndpoint = "";
UserApiEndpoint = "";
# for some reason, these don't appear to be working; the startup
# process complaines and sets these back to en
@ -202,7 +201,6 @@ in {
services.postgresql = {
enable = lib.mkForce true; # mattermost sets this to false. wtf.
package = pkgs.postgresql_11;
ensureDatabases = [ "mattermost" ];
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "mattermost";

View file

@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, sources, ... }:
mumblesite = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "";
src = sources.mumble-website.outPath.outPath;
buildPhase = ''
${pkgs.jekyll.outPath}/bin/jekyll build
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out
cp -r _site/* $out
hexchen.bindmounts."/var/lib/murmur" = "/persist/var/lib/murmur";
@ -15,9 +28,17 @@
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ];
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ ];
# the mumble cert has its own group so that both nginx and murmur can read it
users.groups.mumblecert = {};
security.acme.certs."".group = "mumblecert";
users.users.nginx.extraGroups = [ "mumblecert" ];
users.users.murmur.extraGroups = [ "mumblecert" ];
services.nginx.virtualHosts =
let vhost = {
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;
root = mumblesite.outPath;
in {
"" = vhost;
"" = vhost;
# set ACLs so that the murmur user can read the certificates
security.acme.certs."".postRun = "setfacl -Rm u:murmur:rX /var/lib/acme/";

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
# must be set manually; may not be incremented by more than one at
# a time, otherwise nextcloud WILL break
package = pkgs.nextcloud24;
package = pkgs.nextcloud21;
home = "/persist/nextcloud";
https = true;
@ -47,11 +47,15 @@
dbuser = "nextcloud";
dbhost = "/run/postgresql"; # nextcloud will add /.s.PGSQL.5432 by itself
dbname = "nextcloud";
adminpassFile = "/persist/nextcloud/config/admin_pw";
# there's also a adminpassFile option, but for testing this seems
# enough (less fiddling with getting the file into a nixos
# container for ad-hoc setups)
adminpass = "lushfjwebrwhjebr";
adminuser = "root";
defaultapp = "apporder";
caching.redis = true;
# multiple pools may be doable using services.phpfpm.pools,
# but i have not tried this yet. The nextcloud module defines a
# pool "nextcloud"
@ -66,15 +70,40 @@
extraOptions = {
instanceid = "ocxlphb7fbju";
redis = {
host = "/run/redis/redis.sock";
port = 0;
dbindex = 0;
password = "secret";
timeout = 1.5;
datadirectory = "/persist/data/ncdata";
mail_smtpmode = "smtp";
mail_smtpsecure = "ssl";
mail_sendmailmode = "smtp";
mail_from_address = "noreply";
mail_domain = "";
mail_smtpauthtype = "PLAIN";
mail_smtpauth = 1;
mail_smtphost = "";
mail_smtpport = 465;
mail_smtpname = "";
loglevel = 0;
"overwrite.cli.url" = "";
# passwordsalt, secret, and mail_smtppassword go in here
secretFile = "/persist/secrets.json";
services.redis = {
enable = true;
unixSocket = "/var/run/redis/redis.sock";
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.postgresql_11;
ensureDatabases = [ "nextcloud" ];
ensureUsers = [
{ # by default, postgres has unix sockets enabled, and allows a
@ -106,11 +135,6 @@
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.nextcloud.localAddress}:80";
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
extraConfig = ''
proxy_buffering off;
client_max_body_size 0;
add_header Cache-Control "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate";

View file

@ -1,9 +1,32 @@
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
domains = [ "" "" "" ];
in {
hacc.websites = {
enable = true;
directory = ../websites;
services.nginx.virtualHosts =
listToAttrs (map (host: nameValuePair host {
useACMEHost = "";
forceSSL = true;
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.gitlab.localAddress}:8090";
}) domains) // {
"" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.gitlab.localAddress}:8090";
"" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
proxy_pass "http://${config.containers.gitlab.localAddress}:8090/infra4future/";
proxy_set_header Host '';
security.acme.certs."" = {
extraDomainNames = domains;

View file

@ -6,7 +6,21 @@
openDefaultPorts = true;
configDir = "/persist/var/lib/syncthing/";
dataDir = "/persist/data/syncthing/";
declarative = {
devices = {
# schweby
txsbcct = {
addresses = []; # empty = dynamic
octycs = {
addresses = []; # empty = dynamic
stuebinm-desktop = {
addresses = []; # empty = dynamic
raphael-laptop = {
addresses = []; # empty = dynamic
@ -16,24 +30,26 @@
addresses = []; # empty = dynamic
# hexchen
storah = {
addresses = [ "tcp://" "quic://" ];
folders = {
"/persist/data/syncthing/hacc/" = {
id = "qt2ly-xvvvs";
devices = [ "conway" "raphael-laptop"];
devices = [ "txsbcct" "octycs" "stuebinm-desktop" "conway" "raphael-laptop" "storah" ];
type = "receiveonly";
versioning = {
type = "simple";
params.keep = "10";
"/persist/data/syncthing/hacc_eV_vorstand/" = {
id = "twwt7-fxrsr";
devices = [ "conway" "raphael-laptop"];
# type = "receiveencrypted"; # no yet implemented
overrideFolders = false; # enables workaround for recieveencrypted

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, evalConfig, sources, ... }:
uffd = pkgs.uffd;
in {
containers.uffd = {
privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
autoStart = true;
bindMounts = {
"/persist" = {
hostPath = "/persist/containers/uffd";
isReadOnly = false;
path = (evalConfig {hosts = {}; groups = {};} ({ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, sources, ... }: {
boot.isContainer = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
imports = [
((import sources.nix-hexchen) {}).profiles.nopersist
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
networking.firewall.enable = false;
networking.defaultGateway = {
address = "";
interface = "eth0";
services.coredns = {
enable = true;
config = ''
.:53 {
forward .
services.uwsgi = {
enable = true;
plugins = [ "python3" ];
instance = {
type = "normal";
pythonPackages = self: with self; [ uffd ];
module = "uffd:create_app()";
# socket = "${}/uwsgi.sock";
http = ":8080";
env = [
hook-pre-app = "exec:FLASK_APP=${uffd}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/uffd flask db upgrade";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations = {
"/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.uffd.localAddress}:8080";
"/static".root = "${uffd}/lib/python3.9/site-packages/uffd";
"/static/hacc.png".return = "302";
"/static/infra4future.svg".return = "302";
"/static/hedgedoc.svg".return = "302";
"/static/mattermost.svg".return = "302";
"/static/nextcloud.svg".return = "302";
"/static/hot_shit.svg".return = "302";
}; = {
enable = true;
description = "mattermost aua gruppensync";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "simple";
path = [ pkgs.curl pkgs.jq ];
script = "${}/bin/fish /persist/magic/";
startAt = "*:0/15";

services/unifi.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
services.unifi = {
enable = true;
openPorts = true;
dataDir = "/persist/var/lib/unifi";

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
services.vaultwarden = {
enable = true;
config = {
environmentFile = "/persist/var/lib/vaultwarden/vaultwarden.env"; #contains SMTP_PASSWORD
dbBackend = "sqlite";
backupDir = "/persist/data/vaultwarden_backups/";
#work around ProtectSystem=strict, cleanup = {
ReadWritePaths = [ "/persist/var/lib/vaultwarden" ];
StateDirectory = lib.mkForce "";
}; =
lib.mkForce "/persist/var/lib/vaultwarden/data";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "";
proxyWebsockets = true;
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;

View file

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, modules, profiles, evalConfig, sources, ... }:
wapkgs = "${sources.workadventure}/wapkgs.nix";
services.coturn = {
enable = true;
realm = "";
no-cli = true;
lt-cred-mech = true;
extraConfig = ''
cert ="".directory + "full.pem";
pkey ="".directory + "key.pem";
networking.firewall = with;
ports = [ listening-port tls-listening-port ];
in {
allowedTCPPorts = ports ++ [ 9641 ]; # 9641 is the port for the prometheus endpoint
allowedUDPPorts = ports;
allowedUDPPortRanges = [
{ from = min-port; to = max-port; }
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "";
proxyWebsockets = true;
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
containers.wa-void = {
autoStart = true;
privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
path = (evalConfig {hosts = {}; groups = {};} ({ config, lib, pkgs, profiles, modules, sources, ... }: {
boot.isContainer = true;
networking.useDHCP = false;
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "";
imports = [
((import sources.nix-hexchen) {}).profiles.nopersist
services.workadventure."void" = {
packageset = (import wapkgs {inherit pkgs;}).workadventure-xce;
nginx = {
default = true;
domain = "";
maps.path = "${sources.haccmap.outPath}/";
maps.serve = true;
frontend.startRoomUrl = "/_/global/";
commonConfig = {
webrtc.stun.url = "";
webrtc.turn = {
url = "turn:";
user = "turn";
password = "a4c9ad080dc51146611eabd15a27b07fc92850a9ae90c53e7745fce6c5a2c457";
jitsi.url = "";

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <>

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View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
{ stdenvNoCC }:
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "";
src = ./.;
phases = [ "buildPhase" ];
buildPhase = ''
cd $src
mkdir -p $out
cp -r * $out
rm $out/default.nix

View file

@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
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<div class="logo"><img src="assets/logo_header_shadow.svg" alt="hacc. hackers against climate change." /></div>
<a name="welcometohacc"></a>
<div class="welcome">
<h1>Welcome to hacc<span class="blink">_</span></h1>
“Hackers Against Climate Change" originated as a series of <a href="">self-organized sessions at 35c3</a>. Working groups, spin offs and local chapters formed afterwards and were present at all major CCC events. Join the groups or start your own!</p>
<p>More info <a href="#aboutpage">about this page</a> at the bottom.
<a name="contact"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Get in contact<span class="blink"></span></h1>
<a href="">hacc e.V.</a>, local chapter Munich<sup><a href="#history">*</a></sup>
<a href="">#hacc</a> on or as matrix bridge <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#hacc-muc</a> on or as matrix bridge <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">CHT hackbase</a>, local chapter Canary Island<sup><a href="#history">*</a></sup>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">hacc mailinglists</a>
<a name="activities"></a>
<div class="activities">
<a name="haccvoc"></a>
<div class="logo-container">
<a href=""><img src="assets/haccvoc.svg" alt="hacc.voc"></a>
If you have an event and need someone
to film or livestream it, maybe we have
time and can help you!
All our recordings and livestreams can be found on <a href=""></a>; if we stream something live, you'll find us at
<a href=""></a>.
<li><a href="">v-edge Congress 2020</a> in Munich</li>
<li>Filmed and live streamed several stage discussions and press conferences of other * for future groups (see <a href=""></a>)</li>
<li>Livestreams from demonstrations for climate justice</a></li>
<li>Our own <a href="">stage</a> at the Remote Chaos Experience (rc3) 2020</li>
<li>Streaming infrastructure for the second and third editions of the <a href="">Public Climate School</a> by Students for Future</li>
<a name="infra4future"></a>
<div class="logo-container">
<a href=""><img src="assets/infra4future.svg" alt="infra4future"></a>
We provide and administrate server infrastructure
for other climate justice groups.
<li>cloud storage, chats, and forums</li>
<li><a href=""></a>: a voice-chat allowing groups to stay in contact while we cant physically meet</li>
<li>if you need any, look around on the website linked above, write us, or just <a href="">create an account</a>!</li>
<a name="participate"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Ways to Participate<span class="blink"></span></h1>
<!--<li>Regular open international call usually every 10th and 25th of a month at 18:00 UTC via <a href="">Jitsi</a> organized by the hacc e.V..</li>-->
<li>Regular meetings of the <a href="">hacc e.V.</a>, usually every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:30 p.m. at <a href="">muCCC</a>. At the moment we meet online on <a href=""></a>.</li>
<li>Meetings of <a href="">Klimanotstandbündnis in Siegen</a>. See hacc group page.</li>
Propose changes to the hacc e.V. infrastructure. You can open an issue or open a merge request <a href="">on the nixfiles</a> which control a growing part of our infrastructure. Or just ask us via one of hacc e.V. channels above.
Add you or your project to the <a href="">hacc directory</a>
Use the <a href="">wiki</a> and add your project!
<a name="chapters"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Local chapters<span class="blink"></span></h1>
<li><a href="">CHT hackbase</a> on the Canary Islands, Spain<sup><a href="#history">*</a></sup></li>
<li><a href="">hackers against climate change e.V.</a>, Munich, Germany<sup><a href="#history">*</a></sup></li>
<li><a href="">Klimanotstandbündnis in Siegen</a>, Germany</li>
<a name="groups"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Spin offs &amp; working groups<span class="blink"></span></h1>
There are different spin-offs of the movement originating from the <a href="">original hacc sessions</a> and events like the <a href="">CCCamp2019</a> or working groups associated to hacc.
<li><a href="">c3sus</a>, making Chaos events more sustainable</li>
<li><a href="">Eventgrid</a>, developing a green power network for Camps</li>
<li><a href="">infra4future</a>, offering infrastructure and communcation platforms</li>
<li><a href="">hacc-voc</a>, doing streams and recordings</li>
<li><a href="">GreenFeediverse</a>, providing a list about servers and their renewable energy consumption status</li>
Further project ideas can be found or added in the <a href="">wiki</a> and the <a href="">hacc directory</a>.
<a name="similar"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Similar groups<span class="blink"></span></h1>
<li><a href="">Bits &amp; Bäume</a>, with multiple local chapters</li>
<li><a href="">Developers for Future</a></li>
<a name="weinthepress"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>We in the press<span class="blink"></span></h1>
<li>Short interview with c3sus and hacc activists in the <a href="">Denkangebot Podacst</a> episode <a href="">"Urlaub auf dem Hackercamp"</a>, unfortunately in German only</li>
Le Monde decided to give us, our posters, and Mate, a <a href="">shoutout</a> in their article about the <a href="">36c3</a>!
<a name="history"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>History of hacc<span class="blink"></span></h1>
“Hackers Against Climate Change" originated as a series of <a href="">self-organized sessions at 35c3</a>. In the aftermath members of those sessions started spin offs as mentioned above and local chapters in Siegen, Munich and on the Canary Islands.
The local chapter in Siegen initiated the first hacc sessions at 35c3 and afterwards was mainly involved in local activities.
The local chapter CHT hackbase cohosted the 35c3 sessions, hosted the session at 36c3 and cohosted the divoc r2r sessions.
Inspired by the activities in Siegen, the Munich chapter started their bi-weekly meetings in May 2019. With the approval to use the name by the initiator of the first sessions on May 13th 2020 we eventually founded the German non-profit organization "<a href="">hackers against climate change e.V.</a>" on December 9th 2020. Two members of us were part of the 35c3 sessions. Since then we were active at the CCCamp 2019, 36c3, rC3 and divoc r2r.<br>
Unfortunately conflicts led to a split between the local chapter Munich and CHT hackbase in July 2021.
<a name="aboutpage"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>About this page<span class="blink"></span></h1>
The hacc e.V. runs this page (<a href=""></a>) but not necessarily the linked projects. You can find more about our activities and involvements on our <a href="">own page</a>.<br>
Also the source of the page can be found <a href="">here</a>. As with the hacc e.V. infrastructure in general you are invited to make change requests or just <a href="#contac">contact</a> us to ask for changes.
The hacc logo was designed by <a href="">Creatives for Future</a>.
<div class="section"></div>
<footer class="content" style="z-index: 200">
<a href="">Source of</a> &bull;
<a href="#contact">Contact</a> &bull;
<a href="">Imprint</a>

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<div class="logo"><img src="assets/logo_header_shadow.svg" alt="hacc. hackers against climate change."/></div>
<a name="welcometohacc"></a>
<div class="welcome">
<h1>Willkommen bei hacc<span class="blink">_</span></h1>
“Hackers Against Climate Change” entstammt einer Serie von <a href="">Self-Organized Sessions beim 35c3</a>. Seit dem haben wir mit anderen Klimaschutzgruppen zusammengearbeitet, diese mit technischem Wissen unterstützt, sowie in der Hacker Community auf die Klimakrise aufmerksam gemacht.</p>
Zögere nicht mit uns in <a href="#contact">Kontakt</a> zu treten, über verschiedene Kanäle oder bei lokalen <a href="#meetups">Treffen</a>. Treffe uns bei Chaos-Events oder starte Deine eigene lokale Gruppe!
<a name="whatwedo"></a>
<div class="whatwedo">
<h1>Was wir machen<span class="blink"></span></h1>
hacc ist eine Gemeinschaft von Lebewesen die sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben, im Sinne der <a href="">Hackerethik</a> des Chaos Computer Clubs die Klimaschutzbewegung mitzugestalten. Zur Zeit sind unsere bedeutensten Projekte <a href="#haccvoc">hacc.voc</a> und <a href="#infra4future">infra4future</a> (siehe unten).<br>Ein weiteres Projekt ist <a href="">hacc.csv</a>. Dabei steht csv für collaboration, science, visualization und data. Es gibt zwei <a href="">lokale Gruppen</a> in Deutschland, in München und
<a name="activities"></a>
<div class="activities">
<a name="haccvoc"></a>
<div class="logo-container">
<a href=""><img src="assets/haccvoc.svg" alt="hacc.voc"></a>
Du hast ein Event hast brauchst wen um es zu filmen
oder live zu streamen? Vielleicht habe wir Zeit und können
dir helfen! <br>
Alle unsere Aufnahmen landen auf <a href=""></a>;
unsere Livestreams sind auf <a href=""></a>.
<li><a href="">v-edge Congress 2020</a> in München</li>
<li>Livestreams und Aufzeichnungen einiger Podiumsdiskussionen und Pressekonferenzen von anderen * for future-Orgas (siehe <a href=""></a>)</li>
<li>Unsere eigene <a href="">Stage</a> auf der Remote Chaos Experience (rc3) 2020</li>
<li>Die Streaming-Infrastruktur für die zweite und dritte Auflage der <a href="">Public Climate School</a> der Students for Future</li>
<a name="infra4future"></a>
<div class="logo-container">
<a href=""><img src="assets/infra4future.svg" alt="infra4future"></a>
Wir betreiben und administrieren Server-Infrastruktur und stellen diese Klimaschutzgruppen zur Verfügung.
<li>Cloud-Speicher, Chats und Foren</li>
<li><a href=""></a>: ein Sprach-Chat für Gruppen, die ohne physische Treffen in Kontakt bleiben wollen</li>
<li>Wenn Du einen der Dienste benötigst, schau Dich auf der oben verlinkten Seite um, schreib uns oder <a href="">erstell Dir ein Account</a>!</li>
<a name="meetups"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Mitmachen<span class="blink"></span></h1>
<li>Regelmäßiger internationaler Call, jeden 10. und 25. im Monat um 18:00 UTC via <a href="">Jitsi</a>.</li>
<li>Regelmäßige Treffen von <a href="">hacc in München</a>, normalerweise jeden ersten und dritten Mittwoch im Monat um 19:00 Uhr beim <a href="">muCCC</a>. Im Moment treffen wir uns Online auf <a href=""></a>.</li>
<li>Regelmäßige Treffen des <a href="">Klimanotstandbündnis in Siegen</a>. Jeden zweiten Sonntag, siehe hacc-Seite.</li>
Wenn du Vorschläge für Änderungen an unserer Infrastruktur hast, leg bitte einen Issue oder erstelle einen Merge Request <a href="">auf die nixfiles</a>, über die wir einen (größer werdenden) Teil unserer Server verwalten.
<a name="contact"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Kontakt<span class="blink"></span></h1>
Du kannst uns über verschiedne Kanäle erreichen und mitmachen:
<li>Im Fediverse auf <a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="">#hacc auf</a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="">hacc-Mailinglisten</a></li>
<a name="othergroups"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>Spin offs &amp; Ähnlich Gruppen<span class="blink"></span></h1>
Es gibt verschiedene Spin-Offs, die aus der Bewegung der den <a href="">ersten hacc-Sessions</a> auf dem 35c3 und Events wie dem <a href="">CCCamp2019</a> entstanden sind:
<li><a href="">c3sus</a>, Chaos-Events nachhaltig gestalten</li>
<li><a href="">Eventgrid</a>, Entwicklung eines lokalen Stromnetzes, für Outdoor-Events wie dem Camp</li>
Weitere Projektideen gibt es im <a href="">wiki</a>.
<h2>Ähnliche Gruppen</h2>
<li><a href="">Bits &amp; Bäume</a> in Dresden, Berlin, Hannover, Dortmund, Köln und Osnabrück</li>
<li><a href="">Hackers for Future</a> in Regensburg (zur Zeit pausierend)</li>
<li><a href="">Developers for Future</a></li>
<li><a href="">CHT Hackbase</a> auf den Kanarischen Inseln</li>
<a name="weinthepress"></a>
<div class="section">
<h1>In der Presse<span class="blink"></span></h1>
Le Monde hat sich aus unbekannten Gründen entschlossen, uns und unsere Poster (und Mate) in einem <a href="">Artikel</a> zum <a href="">36c3</a> zu erwähnen!
<div class="section"></div>
<footer class="content" style="z-index: 200">
<a href="#contact">Kontakt</a> &bull;
<a href="">Impressum</a>

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# SFF Technik Wiki
?> Gerade wird noch herumgebastelt, deswegen ist einiges unvollständig.
Hier sammeln wir technische Leitfäden, wie ihr euch mit den bei SFF verwendeten Tools
zurechtfindet, und wie ihr digitale Events abhalten & gestalten könnt.
Hauptsächlich geht es hier um die [PCS](,
aber manches ist vielleicht auch so nützlich.
**Für ungeklärte Fragen, Ergänzungswünsche oder Feedback wendet euch einfach an den [PCS Tech Support auf Telegram](**
- **[Webseite](website/**: Hier findet ihr Leitfäden für unsere bundesweite Webseite.
- **[Tools](tools/**: Hier findet ihr Leitfäden zu einigen Tools zur Organisation, für Social Media, Events, Online-Meetings und Live-Interaktion.
- **[Streams](streams/streams)**: Hier erfahrt ihr, wie ihr Veranstaltungen streamen könnt. Außerdem findet ihr hier die technische Stream Dokumentation zu den digitalen PCS.
- **[Online-Events](event/**: Hier findet ihr Ressourcen, die euch bei digitalen Events vielleicht helfen können.
- [Wie kommt mein Format in den Stream? Wie läuft das ab?](/faq?id=wie-kommt-mein-format-in-den-stream-wie-läuft-das-ab)
- [Wir haben keinen Streaming-Account. Könnt ihr uns etwas zur Verfügung stellen?](/faq?id=wir-haben-keinen-streaming-account-könnt-ihr-uns-etwas-zur-verfügung-stellen)
- [Woher bekomme ich Ortsgruppen Zugang zur Website?](/faq?id=woher-bekomme-ich-ortsgruppen-zugang-zur-website)
- [Wie kann ich mit Trollen im meinem Online-Event umgehen?](/faq?id=wie-kann-ich-mit-trollen-im-meinem-online-event-umgehen)
- [Wie kann ich mein Online-Event barrierefrei gestalten?](/faq?id=wie-kann-ich-mein-online-event-barrierefrei-gestalten)
<a href=""><img src="img/faq/pcs_walkthrough_thumbnail.png" ></a>
[Hier]( findest du ein YouTube-Video, in dem wir die aktuellen Tools der PCS-Organisation erklären.

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# Seite nicht gefunden :(
Falls du auf einen Link geklickt hast, ist der Link vermutlich veraltet.
Bitte melde dich beim
[PCS Tech Support auf Telegram](, damit
das behoben werden kann.
[Zur Startseite](/)

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##### PCS
Public Climate School

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- [Start](
- [FAQ](
- [Webseite](website/
- [Events eintragen](website/
- [OG-Homepage einrichten](website/
- [Tools](tools/
- [Tools zur Organisation](tools/
- [Plattform-N](tools/
- [Rocket.Chat](tools/
- [Meistertask](tools/
- [Dieses Wiki](tools/
- [Tools für Social Media](tools/
- [Profilbildgenerator](tools/
- [Sharepics mit Canva](tools/
- [Tools fürs Eventmanagement](tools/
- [Eventkalender](tools/
- [](tools/
- [Tools für Video-Konferenzen](tools/
- [Zoom](tools/
- [BigBlueButton](tools/
- [JitSi](tools/
- [Tools für Live-Interaktion](tools/
- [Tweedback](tools/
- [Streams](streams/
- [Stream: Zoom zu YouTube](streams/
- [Stream: Zoom zu PCS-Server (RTMP)](streams/
- [Streams mit OBS](streams/
- [Troubleshooting](streams/
- [Ergänzungen / Optimierungen](streams/
- [Technische Dok. digitale PCS](streams/
- [Überblick PCS 2.0](streams/
- [Überblick PCS 3.0](streams/
- [Online-Events](events/
- [Moderation](events/
- [Datenschutz](events/
- [Beispiel PCS Einverständniserklärung](events/

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{ stdenvNoCC }:
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "";
src = ./.;
phases = [ "buildPhase" ];
buildPhase = ''
cd $src
mkdir -p $out
cp -r * $out
rm $out/default.nix

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# Leitfaden: PCS 2020 zum Thema Datenschutz
Dadurch, dass die PCS 2020 online stattfindet müssen wir uns auch Gedanken über Datenschutz machen. Dieser Leitfaden kann nicht jeden Fall abdecken und es handelt sich hier nur um Empfehlungen.
## Normaler Vortrag
Sollte der Vortrag wie eine Vorlesung in diesen Zeiten üblich über eine Konferenzplattform stattfinden jedoch ansonsten nicht weiter gestreamed oder aufgezeichnet werden, reicht meistens ein einfacher Hinweis auf die Datenschutzrichtlinien der Plattform. Dieser sollte vor betreten der Plattform platziert sein. Zum Beispiel an der Stelle an der ihr die Links zu der Vorlesung bewirbt.
## Aufgezeichneter oder gestreamter Vortrag
Für einen Vortrag der noch anderweitig zugänglich gemacht werden soll müssen noch weitere Vorkehrung getroffen werden. Alle Menschen die in einem solchen Vortrag zu sehen sind müssen **vor der Verarbeitung ihrer Daten** zugestimmt haben. Zuschauer könnt ihr Beispielsweise mündlich darüber aufklären, dass sie in einem Livestream zu sehen sein werden oder was mit der Aufnahme passiert. Außerdem empfiehlt es sich auch an anderer Stelle darauf hinzuweisen. Beispielsweise kann auf der gleichen Folie auf der zur Interaktion aufgerufen wird, auch der Hinweis stehen, dass eine solche aufgezeichnet wird. Wichtig ist das es nicht die Möglichkeit gibt, dass unfreiwillig oder unwissentlich persönliche Daten (z.B. Äußerungen, Namen etc) verarbeitet/veröffentlicht werden. Um sicher zu gehen könnt empfiehlt sich zu diesem Zweck auch von jedem Teilnehmenden eine Einverständniserklärung unterschreiben zu lassen. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist es Fragerunden am Ende des Vortrages nicht mit aufzuzeichnen. Bedenkt außerdem auch, dass auch Menschen die erst später der Konferenz beitreten informiert werden müssen. Zum Beispiel im Chat.
Die Dozierenden solltet ihr außerdem **vorher** darum bitten euch eine Einverständnis Erklärung auszufüllen.
Beispiele für Einverständniserklärungen findet ihr [hier](events/

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# Beispiel PCS Einverständniserklärung
Wenn ihr Veranstaltungen aufzeichnen und veröffentlichen wollt, braucht ihr vermutlich
eine Einverständniserklärung. Hier findet ihr Beispiele für die PCS, die ihr für euch
anpassen könnt (insb. alles was <mark>markiert</mark> ist).
Trotzdem der Disclaimer: **Die Einverständniserklärungen hier sind nur zur Orientierung und ohne Gewährleistung!**
## Deutsch
#### Als PDF:
Eine Beispieleinverständniserklärung von der PCS 2020 findet ihr <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Einverständniserklärung (PDF)" href="einverstaendniserklaerung.pdf">hier</a>.
#### In Textform:
_**Einverständniserklärung zur Aufzeichnung von Vorlesungen / Vorträgen im Rahmen der Public Climate School vom <mark>17.-21.05.2021</mark>.**_
*Ich erkläre mich damit einverstanden, dass von mir Audio-/Videoaufnahmen gemacht
werden, die im Rahmen der vom <mark>17.-21.05.2021</mark> stattfindenden Public
Climate School online veröffentlicht werden.*
*Ich versichere, dass innerhalb dieser Aufzeichnungen keine Rechte Dritter verletzt
*Ich erkläre, dass ich alle Materialien, die ich in meiner Vorlesung/meinem Vortrag benutze,
selbst erstellt habe, bzw. bei der Verwendung fremder Materialien (Texte aus Büchern,
Zeitschriften, Bilder, Graphiken, Filmausschnitte, Musiktitel, etc.) diese auf das
Urheberrecht nach §60a geprüft habe und diese veröffentlicht werden können.*
*Ich stelle die <mark>Students for Future Stadt</mark> von allen Ansprüchen Dritter frei, die sich
wegen möglicher Urheberrechtsverstöße an die <mark>Students for Future Stadt</mark> wenden.*
*Ich verpflichte mich außerdem, den Betreiber des genutzten online Servers unverzüglich
zu informieren, wenn Dritte Ansprüche auf Grund der ihnen zustehenden Urheber- bzw.
Nutzungsrechte in Bezug auf die oben bezeichnete Aufzeichnung geltend machen.*
*Ich erkläre, dass meine Vorlesung/mein Vortrag und damit die Audio-/Videoaufnahmen
und bereitgestellte Foliensätze frei von diskriminierenden Inhalten sind, seien sie
rassistisch, sexistisch, antisemitisch, trans\*feindlich, homophob oder anderweitig
*Name, Vorname:
Titel des Vortrags:
Datum des Vortrags:
Datum, Unterschrift:*
## Englisch
#### In Textform:
_**Declaration of consent for the recording of lectures in context of the Public Climate School from <mark>May 17 21 2021</mark>**_
*I hereby agree that audio/video recordings may be made of me, that might be published online in the context of the Public Climate School taking place from <mark>17.-21.05.2021</mark>.*
*I assure that no rights of third parties are violated within these recordings.*
*I declare that I have created all materials I use in my lecture myself, or when using foreign materials (texts from books, magazines, pictures, graphics, film clips, music titles, etc.) I have checked them for copyright according to §60a UrhG and they can be published.*
*I indemnify the <mark>Students for Future Stadt</mark> from all claims of third parties who contact the <mark>Students for Future Stadt</mark> regarding possible copyright infringements.*
*I also undertake to inform the operator of the online server used immediately if third parties assert claims based on the copyrights or rights of use to which they are entitled with regard to the above-mentioned recording.*
*I declare that my lectures and therefore my audio-/video recordings and slides are free of discriminating contents such as racist, sexist, antisemitic, trans\*hostile, homophobic or otherwise discriminating.*
*Full name:
Title of lecture:
Date of lecture:
Date, Signature:*

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# Moderation

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# Online-Events
Hier versuchen wir euch eine Sammlung nützlicher Guides für die Durchführung von
Online Veranstaltungen bereitzustellen.
Typischerweise sind vor jedem Online-Event folgende Fragen zu klären:
- **Wie können Menschen teilnehmen?**
Meist entweder direkte Teilnahme im Online Meeting, z.B. über Zoom,
oder ein Stream, z.B. über YouTube.
Das hängt von einigen Faktoren ab, u.a. wie viele Teilnehmer:innen erwartet werden,
wie interaktiv das Event sein soll, und wie geschlossen der Raum, in dem es stattfindet.
Für Workshops eignen sich Meetings, für Podiumsdiskussion sind vermutlich Streams
die bessere Wahl. Vorträge lassen sich auf beide Arten gut umsetzen. Hier ist vermutlich
die Teilnehmer:innenzahl und Öffentlichkeit ausschlaggebend.
Theoretisch geht auch eine Kombination: Die Teilnehmer:innen können dem Meeting direkt
beitreten, während es gleichzeitig gestreamt wird. In diesem Fall müsstet ihr aber
sicherstellen, dass keine Person das Meeting stören kann und dass keine persönlichen
Daten im Stream landen können. Außerdem könnten Zuschauer:innen auf YouTube dann z.B.
nicht erfahren, wenn Fragen im Zoom Chat gestellt werden.
- **Wer kann teilnehemen / braucht es evtl. eine Anmeldung?**
Es ist bei allen Optionen möglich, die Teilnahme so einzuschränken, dass nur Menschen
mit den richtigen Zugangsdaten oder dem richtigen Link teilnehemen können.
Um diese zu verteilen könnt ihr zum Beispiel eine Anmeldung machen.
- **Wie sieht die Interaktion mit den Teilnehmer:innen aus?**
Fast alle Tools haben einen Chat, den ihr natürlich verwenden könnt, der aber auch schnell
unübersichtlich werden kann. Es kann sich daher lohnen, ein eigenes Tool für die Live-Interaktion
zu verwenden. Mehr dazu findet ihr auf der [zugehörigen Seite bei den Tools](tools/
- **Soll die Veranstaltung aufgezeichnet werden?**
Wenn ja, braucht ihr vermutlich eine [Einverständniserklärung](events/

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# **F**requently **A**sked **Q**uestions:
?> Das FAQ ist noch von der letzten PCS, das heißt insb. die Links werden sich vermutlich noch ändern.
## Wie kommt mein Format in den Stream? Wie läuft das ab?
Das hängt davon ab, was für ein Format es ist bzw. welches Tool ihr verwendet:
- **Voraufgezeichnete Videos:**
könnt ihr uns einfach über einen Cloud Link (z.B. hier:
oder einen Link zu einem (ungelisteten) YouTube Video schicken. Bitte gebt uns das Video noch vor Beginn der PCS.
- **Zoom-Veranstaltungen**:
hier hängt es davon ab, ob ihr das Meeting selbst erstellt habt oder der/die Dozierende.
Nur die Person, die das Meeting erstellt hat kann das Livestreaming aktivieren. Wie das geht steht [hier](
Ihr bekommt dazu so bald wie möglich die genauen Einstellungen, die ihr da eingeben müsst.
Bitte prüft schon im vornherein, ob ihr das in den Einstellungen findet (also ob es bei euch aktiviert ist).
- **JitSi**:
Für JitSi im Livestream verwenden wir voraussichtlich eine eigene Instanz. Das bedeutet ihr bekommt von uns so bald wie möglich einen Link zu dem JitSi Raum. Dort könnt ihr dann mit zwei Klicks den Stream starten.
Mehr Infos dazu kommen so bald wie möglich. Bitte gebt uns unbedingt vorher bekannt, falls mehr als 6 Personen an diesem Meeting teilnehmen werden.
- **BigBlueButton**:
Es tut uns Leid, aber bisher haben wir uns noch nicht mit einem Leitfaden für BigBlueButton beschäftigen können. Deshalb möchten wir euch diesen ausführlichen Leitfaden von HACC (Hackers Against Climate Crisis) wärmstens empfehlen: [Recording a talk with Big Blue Button and obs studio](
<a href=""><img src="img/faq/tutorial_thumbnail.png"></a>
## Wie kann ich als Dolmer*in teilnehmen?
- **Den Stream empfangen**
1. Über Zoom:
Sie sitzen mit in dem Zoom Meeting, indem der Vortrag abgehalten wird.
2. Über VLC:
Sie empfangen den Stream ohne große Verzögerung auf ihren PC.
<a href="">Hier finden Sie die Aufzeichnung des entsprechenden Technik-Briefings.</a>
- **Übersetzung einsprechen**
Dafür müssen Sie dem entsprechenden Mumble Channel beitreten. Den Link erhalten Sie von uns. Als Gebärdensprachendolmetscher*in müssen Sie nur dem richtigen Zoom Meeting beitreten und nichts weiter tun. <a href="">Hier finden Sie eine Aufgabe des Übersetzerinnen-Briefings.</a>
## Wir haben keinen Streaming-Account. Könnt ihr uns etwas zur Verfügung stellen?
- **Streaming Accounts eurer Uni:**
werden möglicherweise auch euch als Studenten zur Verfügung gestellt. Viele Universitäten haben zahlreiche Zoom Lizenzen erworben, oder betreiben BigBlueButton Instanzen. Informiert euch also, ob ihr auf diese Weise an einen Account kommt.
- **Streaming Accounts vom Technik Team:**
können wir euch zur Verfügung stellen, wenn ihr keine andere Möglichkeit mehr habt. Zurzeit wäre uns es möglich sowohl Zoom, als auch BigBlueButton Instanzen zu stellen. Wir würden die Anzahl der von uns gestellten Instanzen aber gerne in Grenzen halten. Meldet euch dafür im [PCS-Techsupport]( auf Telegram.
## Woher bekomme ich Ortsgruppen Zugang zur Website?
Richtig, jede Ortsgruppe kann sich auf der Website von [Students for Future Germany]( einloggen.
**Wenn ihr keine Zugangsdaten (mehr) habt** meldet euch per Telegram im [PCS-Techsupport](
Wie ihr anschließend eure Kontaktinformationen aktualisiert, eine eigene OG-Homepage erstellt, oder einen Eventkalender anlegt steht [hier](
## Wie kann ich mit Trollen im meinem Online-Event umgehen?
Das wichtigste zuerst: **Don't Feed the Troll!** Negativ auf dein Event einzuwirken ist oft das Ziel von Troll-Angriffen.
Versuche dich deshalb von destruktiven Menschen
- nicht ablenken zu lassen,
- nicht emotional zu reagieren,
- und sie nicht in den Fokus zu rücken.
Verweise als Moderation im Zweifel darauf, nach dem Event weiterzudiskutieren und nicht währenddessen.
Ansonsten kannst du natürlich technische Hilfsmittel verwenden, wie
- einen Zoom-Warteraum
- Menschen kicken/bannen
- die Video/Sprachfunktion für Menschen ausschalten.
Im [Zoom-Leitfaden]( findest du dazu einige nützliche Funktionen.
**Bitte beachte**, dass wir keine Expert*innen im Umgang mit Trollen sind. Wenn ihr ausführliche Informationen sucht, können wir euch folgende Artikel empfehlen:
- [Ratgeber: Konstruktiv auf Internet-Trolle reagieren (](
- [Beware of ZoomBombing: screensharing filth to video calls (](
## Wie kann ich mein Online-Event barrierefrei gestalten?
Beim Stichwort Barrierefreiheit kennen wir Möglichkeiten, um folgendes einzubauen:
- **Live-Untertitel** (braucht Menschen die live Mitschreiben, [Tutorial auf](
- **Gebärdesprachendolmetscher*in** (braucht Mensch mit diesem Skill)
Wenn ihr mit Zoom arbeitet wäre beides umsetzbar. Sofern das Teil des Livestreams sein soll, würden wir dann eurem Meeting beitreten und die Untertitel oder den\*die Dolmetscher\*in mit OBS mitschneiden.
**Bitte sagt uns [hier auf Telegram]( sobald wie möglich Bescheid, falls ihr das plant!**

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