{ config, lib, pkgs, evalConfig, ... }: { containers.thelounge = { autoStart = true; privateNetwork = true; hostAddress = ""; localAddress = ""; bindMounts = { "/var/lib/thelounge" = { hostPath = "/persist/containers/thelounge"; isReadOnly = false; }; }; path = evalConfig ({ config, lib, ... }: { services.thelounge = { enable = true; extraConfig = { public = true; package = pkgs.thelounge; # respect X-Forwarded-For reverseProxy = true; defaults = { name = "libera chat"; host = "irc.eu.libera.chat"; port = 6697; # encrypt things! tls = true; # yes, please do actually check the cert … rejectUnauthorized = true; nick = "haccGuest%%%%"; join = "#hacc-webchat"; }; lockNetwork = true; # don't log messages (default is text / sqlite) messageStorage = []; # darker theme #theme = "morning"; # these three should result in having link previews # which are fetched only by the server, then proxied # (i.e. clients won't directly connect to arbitrary # domains to get previews) prefetch = true; prefetchStorage = true; disableMediaPreview = true; leaveMessage = "happy haccing"; }; }; }); }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."webchat.voc.hacc.space" = { locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.containers.thelounge.localAddress}:9000"; enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; }; }