forked from hacc/haccfiles
120 lines
3.7 KiB
120 lines
3.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env gosh
(use gauche.process)
(use text.csv)
(use scheme.list)
(use gauche.parseopt)
(use util.match)
(define cutoff-date "2023-01-01")
(define sqlite-path "/persist/containers/uffd/uffd/db.sqlite")
(define sqlite-query
"select displayname, mail, max(expires) as last_login from oauth2token join user on group by user_id having last_login < '2023-01-01'
union all select displayname, mail, '2022' from user where not exists (select * from oauth2token where user_id =;")
(define dry #f)
(define verbose #f)
(define very-verbose #f)
(define (main args)
(let-args (cdr args)
((averbose "v|verbose")
(averyverbose "very-verbose")
(adry "n|dry-run")
(help "h|help" => (cut show-help (car args)))
. restargs
(set! dry adry)
(set! verbose averbose)
(when averyverbose
(set! verbose #t)
(set! very-verbose #t))
(match restargs
[("admin") (do-admin-mail)]
[("send-reminder") (send-reminder-mails)]
[("list-accounts") (do-list-accounts)]
[_ (display "unknown command") (exit 1)]))
(define (do-admin-mail)
(send-email "" "unused accounts list" (mk-admin-mail unused-accounts))
(when verbose
(display "done")))
(define (do-list-accounts)
(display (string-join
(lambda (row) (format "~a (~a)" (list-ref row 0) (list-ref row 1)))
(define (send-reminder-mails)
(map (lambda (row)
(send-email (list-ref row 1) "Unbenutzter Account" (mk-email (list-ref row 0) (list-ref row 2))))
(when verbose
(display "done")))
(define csv-reader
(make-csv-reader #\,))
(define unused-accounts
(map (lambda (str) (with-input-from-string str csv-reader))
;; (process-output->string-list `(cat example.csv))))
(process-output->string-list `(sqlite3 -csv ,sqlite-path ,sqlite-query))))
(define (mk-email displayname last-login)
Hallo ~|displayname|!
Wir haben schon lange (seit über einem Jahr; dein letzter Login war um ~|last-login|)
nichts mehr von dir gehört und würden demnächst deinen Account löschen wollen.
Solltest du ihn noch benötigen logge dich bitte einfach auf ein.
Falls nicht, musst du weiter nichts tun und wir werden deine Account in ca. 3 Monaten löschen.
Viele Grüße,
das Infra4Future Team
(define (mk-admin-mail rows)
(format #"
this is the uffd-unused-accounts-notification.scm script. There are currently
~~s accounts which have not logged in since ~|cutoff-date|. To mass-send account
expiry reminders, invoke this script with the \"send-reminder\" option. To see a
list of these accounts, invoke it with the \"list-accounts\" option.
(invoke me,, 🥺)
" (length unused-accounts)))
; utility definitions
(define (send-email address subject text)
(when verbose
(display (format "sending email to ~a\n" address)))
(let ([text (string-append "from:\n" "subject: " subject "\n" text "\n")])
(when very-verbose
(display text))
(if dry '(cat) `(sendmail ,address))
(lambda (port) (display text port))
:on-abnormal-exit :ignore)))
(define (show-help progname)
(display #"
~|progname|: unused account expiry helper script.
Invoke as `~|progname| [options] admin' to send a list of unused accounts to administrators.
Invoke as `~|progname| [options] send-reminder' to send a reminder email to all
currently unused accounts.
-v --verbose show which emails are being sent
-n --dry-run print emails to stdout instead
-h --help show this help