netbox: remove python override workaround

this is currently unused anyways, but in case we ever do need it again, has removed the need for
the weird override workaround.
stuebinm 2023-04-05 23:04:59 +02:00
parent 8d9df0e20e
commit eda184ee48
1 changed files with 6 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -35,19 +35,16 @@ let
uffd = callPackage ./uffd {};
# netbox takes a python3, then overrides stuff on it before using it.
# since overrides don't accumulate, this does both the override we want
# and the one the netbox package would otherwise do, then disables overrides
netbox = pkgs.netbox.override rec {
python3 = (pkgs.python3.override {
netbox = pkgs.netbox.override (super: rec {
python3 = super.python3.override (oldpy: {
packageOverrides = self: super: {
django = super.django_4;
social-auth-core = ( old: {
name = "social-auth-with-uffd";
patches = [ ./netbox/0001-add-uffd-oauth2-backend.patch ];
} );
}) // { override = ignored: python3; };
inherit (unstable) vaultwarden vaultwarden-vault;